Chapter 33: The Ultimate Sacrifice

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Chapter 33: The Ultimate Sacrifice

My eyes opened slowly as the sun pierced my dark room, the events of the night before flooded back into my memory. Why couldn't I just stay asleep?

I groaned as I pushed off the bed, my muscles screamed in protest at my movement and a stumbled out of the room. I could hear Arl Eamon speaking in hushed tones but decided not to see him, not yet, we would have the funeral today and I had to prepare for the onslaught of emotions that were going to come with it. I walked into the washroom and looked in the mirror, my hair had fallen in soft waves but the ends were charred from the dragon fire. I washed my face quickly and saw a dress the maids had laid out for me, I pulled on the soft cream dress with golden designs swirling around the edges.

I straightened the dress awkwardly, grabbed a gold ribbon and pinned it in my hair, pulling my bangs away from my face. I grabbed a gold pair of flats and walked out of the washroom and into the entrance hall. It was now early afternoon and Eamon was readying everyone for the funeral procession to the palace, where Alistair would have ruled as King if he had let me do what I should've done. I kept back the tears as I approached Eamon, his eyes were heavy and puffy and I knew he had been crying as well.

"Everything's ready," He said softly, his voice was soft.

"All right," I croaked, my voice was almost entirely gone from the screams I released last night and the sobs. My companions lined up on either side of the door waiting for Alistair's body to head to the palace. Everyone had red eyes, even Morrigan was upset, she might have hated him but she enjoyed their arguments. Cullen was standing at my side with a pained expression on his face, I knew he was probably feeling responsible for what happened. 

"It's not your fault." I managed to say, earning a surprised look from Cullen. I didn't blame him or anyone. I only blamed myself.

Four men walked out of the room with Alistair's body, it was laying on a golden slab. Griffons were engraved on the sides and the Grey Warden joining words laced the bottom in beautiful script.

"...And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten... and that one day, we shall join you."

A single tear escaped as the soldiers walked slowly in front of me and stopped, waiting for the Arl and I to join behind them. Alistair was clad in the Grey Warden ceremonial armor, blue and grey colors and a griffon was engraved in the chest-piece, they had cleaned his wounds and fixed his tousled hair.

"I am ready." I breathed, Eamon nodded to the men. The large doors of his estate flew open and light pierced into the dark hall as the men began the walk to the palace. 

The citizens of Denerim lined the way to the palace, my companions joined behind Eamon and I when we passed them. The citizen threw soft pink and white flower petals in our path and I looked down at my feet, counting my steps to distract me from the sadness that was beginning to overtake me. 

Sobs echoed all around me, some of the citizens were crying and I could hear Leliana and Wynne weeping behind me, Eamon had tears rolling down his cheeks. I straightened my back uncomfortably, I had no tears left.

The gates of the palace flew open and revealed a large stone surrounded my wood, the four men sat him down gently as we all surrounded the pyre. Citizens streamed in as well, roses were placed around the pyre and notes with ways Alistair had saved them and their families.

Several people made speeches, the words fell on my deaf ears as I focused on Alistair's soft face. I should be the one lying there, he had so much to do. Eamon puffed out air and stood in front of everyone, I tuned in when he began his speech.

"Alistair was a son to me," He choked out, his words trembling as they left his lips. "I raised him and taught him right from wrong, there are things I did that I regret but now I have no time to say them." He sighed and turned to Alistair's body, "I am sorry son." He breathed barely above a whisper and he returned to my side.

I walked slowly to his body, eyes watched my movement carefully. I bent down and kissed his cheek gently. "I love you." I whispered in his ear and moved away, nodding at Eamon. I couldn't think of anything else to say right now, I was so overwhelmed. 

Eamon straightened his back and looked over at the men holding torches and nodded, the men walked over to the wood and lowered their torches. The wood burst into flames, climbing high into the air. I clenched my jaw and glanced over at Eamon who had shut his eyes. 

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, Eamon opened his eyes and sighed deeply. 

"Never forget." 



I truly hope you enjoyed the book and I hope you didn't cry too much! I am working on an alternate ending which might make you guys slightly happier! Thank you for all your support and please check out my other works!

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