Chapter 9: The Tower

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Chapter 9: The Tower

Notes* I just wanted to explain that I realize that I have left certain characters out and this was a personal choice because I find them annoying and didn't quite see the point in adding characters I didn't personally like because it would've been a torture for me to write their dialogue. Thank you to the people who commented on my author's note, I really appreciated it. Thank you for the support guys! Please comment and vote(: I'm really appreciating the feedback from you guys. Thank you so much again, enjoy the chapter.(:


I looked around the first floor of the tower carefully, bodies were scattered all across the floor and pools of blood rippled beneath them. I let out a deep sigh, Alistair walked up beside me.

"It's so quiet." I whispered to him, Alistair narrowed his eyes as he searched the area, the only noises was the creaking of the tower walls as the wind blew around outside.

"Well are we just going to stand here?" Morrigan said sharply, I rolled my eyes and started walking carefully with my hands on the hilts on my daggers, Assan's ears were pinned back and he was growling. We went through several halls and rooms with ease.

"Be careful where your eyes wander Alistair." Morrigan scolded at Alistair.

"I was looking at your nose..." Alistair said in an annoyed tone.

"Hm, yes." Morrigan said sarcastically, "And what is it about my nose that captivates you so?" She asked arching her eyebrows at Alistair.

"I was just thinking, how it looks exactly like your mother's." Alistair said smiling at the corner of his mouth, knowing that this comment would annoy Morrigan who just scoffed.

"I hate you SO much." Morrigan growled to herself.

"Hmm? What?" Alistair said innocently.

"Never mind!" Morrigan said loudly, rolling her eyes causing me to laugh quietly. Alistair just smirked over at me.

We were about to walk into a room when suddenly I heard voices coming through the door, I grabbed my daggers and barged in the room. I found a large fire demon that looked like it came out of the ground like lava. The demon was floating quickly over to an older woman who had her staff ready to attack, the woman lifted her hands into the air and ice came up from her feet all the way to her hands then she threw herself forward sending the ice to the demon which screamed out and feel back into the ground.

"Don't come any closer!" The woman yelled at me as she held her staff out in defense, there was several older mages as well as children she was protecting in this room.

"We're here to help," Leliana said quickly, I rolled my eyes.

"We're here to get assistance from the Circle." I said as I sheathed my daggers.

"I see.." The woman said, "And you were told that the Circle was in no shape to help you, I suppose. So why did the Templars let you in?" She asked as she crossed her arms, "Do they plan to attack the tower now?" She asked sternly.

"No, they are waiting for reinforcements." I retorted. The woman lowered her head, staring down at her feet dejectedly.

"So Greagoir thinks that the Circle is beyond hope." She said in a defeated tone. "He probably assumes that we are all dead, they abandoned us to our fate. But even trapped as we are we have defended ourselves." She said as she paced the floor, "But we will not be able to stand against the Templars." She stopped and faced me again.

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