Chapter 18: Darkness is Coming

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Chapter 18: Darkness is coming


"How is he?" I asked Leliana who gestured to the tent, I breathed in deeply and walked into the tent, Wynne was rubbing Assan's head and laughing. I arched my eyebrows.

"There you are," Wynne smiled up at me.

"Who, what?" Another voice called out. My eyes widened and I bent down on my knees beside him, laying my hands on his chest, he smiled up at me warmly and moved slightly, wincing.

"Don't-" he hushed me, "I'm good, it's fine." He giggled at how worried I was, I scoffed and relaxed. "Wynne's nice," he said quietly, not wanting her to hear that he actually appreiciated a mage.

"Can you move at all?" I asked, looking him over carefully.

"It hurts and I can't move quickly," He said, rubbing his neck.

"He wouldn't be able to make a journey," Wynne set her hand on my shoulder, I sighed and leaned back on my elbow.

"Maybe we could ask the Dalish.." my voice trailed off as I rubbed my temples, processing thoughts to get us back to Redcliffe.

"Katria?" Alistair's voice called out, his head popped in the tent and his eyes immediately shot down to Cullen, "Good to see you up." He said quickly, Cullen smiled weakly.

"What do you need?" I asked Alistair kindly.

"We should get moving soon," he said, running his fingers through his hair nervously.

"I'm working on it," I puffed out air and stood up.

I walked out of the tent, "Could we ask the Dalish for some horses?" I asked Alistair, who simply shrugged.

"It all depends on what they think of us killing their keeper.." He groaned, flopping down on a log.

I laughed weakly and popped my head in the tent, "We're going to the Dalish camp, can you walk to the outskirts of the camp?" I asked Cullen, who stared up at me. I walked over to his side, grabbing his arm softly, he pushed up and stood up slowly, stumbling around for balance.

He groaned and grasped my arm tightly, we walked out of the tent and over the the group who were standing in a semi-circle talking. Leliana bounded over to Cullen and I, smiling brightly.

"Help him for a moment, Leliana." I said, she nodded and took his arm carefully. I sighed and walked over to Alistair who was shaking his head.

"What?" I asked, arching my eyebrows at him.

"This is going to be a slow process," He puffed out air, smiling at the corner of his mouth. That smile killed me, and he knew it, I pushed him playfully and started walking towards the camp.

I rubbed my eyes, I hadn't slept in a day or two, I don't even know anymore. I stumbled slightly over a tree root.

"All right?" Alistair asked, laughing slightly. I shot him a look, he help his hands up innocently, earning a giggle. Leliana had been talking to Cullen ever since I told her to help him travel, I glanced over my shoulder. Cullen was glaring at me, his eyes widened when he saw me look at him in a joking cry for help, I rolled my eyes and turned back to the trail. The thick canopy of trees began to thin and the small trail opened up into a large meadow, revealing the Dalish camp.

"Stay here," I told the group and walked towards the large caravan we had met the Zathrian before all this had occured.

"I'm coming with you," Alistair jogged up next to me, smiling warmly. A female elf was watching us carefully as we approached her.

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