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It was Qadr of Allah and it was best for you, that's all you need to know.


After a while the doctor came out of the emergency room.
Farhan rushed to him and asked about his father.

"Mr. Khan is fine now. He fainted due to hypertension. It happened due to stress. You can take him home after he gains his consciousness. But see to it that he doesn't take much of tension", the doctor informed.

After a while Mr Khan gained his consciousness and looked around the room. He found his daughter and wife crying while hugging each other and Farhan was sitting beside him on a chair. Farhan saw his father and called the doctor to check him up. The doctor came and checked him and told that everything is fine now and he needs to rest for a while and he can go home but make sure that he doesn't take any kind of stress.

Mr.Khan called his daughter. Amira walked up to her father and sat beside him. She was a crying mess. She couldn't hold back her tears and she hugged her father and started crying.

He couldn't see tears in his daughters eyes. He felt guilty. He felt guilty because he had asked his daughter to marry Ehsan and she without even thinking agreed to her father's wish and said yes to the proposal. It hurt him to see that his brave girl was breaking all because of Ehsan.

"Beta please stop crying. I cant see you like this. You are my strongest Bacha. Maybe it had some benefit in it that is why it happened with us. It was all planned by Allah and we must place our tawwakal (trust) in Allah", said Mr. Khan.

They reached back home and everyone started talking about what happened a while ago.

What will happen to her now?
Who will marry her?
Maybe she did something wrong that is why the groom ran away. Leave it to the society and they would love to create a mole out of a Mountain.

Amira couldn't hear it anymore and she ran to her room and shut the door. Everything was normal just a few moments ago and now everything was destroyed. Her life had taken an unbelievable turn.

She slid down and started crying. She couldn't take it anymore. She got up and she ran to her washroom to make Abulation. She came out and covered her head and spread a prayer mat. Automatically the stream was flowing from her eyes. She joined both her hands and prayed to the almighty.

"Ya Allah, you are the most magnificent and most merciful. Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong ya Allah. It really hurts ya Allah, I can't see my parents like this. They don't deserve to be blamed for somebody else's fault ya Allah. Ya Allah please bless me. Ya Allah I trust in your plans. Ya Allah please do some miracle and lift this burden off of us"

Indeed Allah is the best of planners and he had definitely planned something for this beautiful soul. He doesn't leave anyone empty handed.


On the other side Huraz couldn't hear the taunts thrown at his cousin and he spoke up, " I will marry Amira".

Everyone were shocked to hear this from him. His father was shocked as well as happy. He was happy because he stood up for her even after so many years. Farhan was not able to meet his eyes because he was guilty of the past. Amira's parents were happy after hearing this and decided to get them married.

Huraz walked up to her father and sat down on his knees in front of him. "Chachu I want you to trust me with your daughter and I promise I will not hurt her in any way and I give you my word that I will keep her happy. Please give her hand to me in marriage. I want you to trust me this time"

"I trust you Huraz. I know you will keep her happy. I'm truly blessed to have a nephew like you. Please forgive us for what ever happened between you and Farhaan. I would love to give my daughter to you" he said and gave him a manly hug.

Huraz was over the moon. His wish was finally coming true. Huraz walked up to Farhan and placed a hand on his shoulder. Farhan couldn't meet his eyes.

"you don't have to feel guilty Farhaan. It was written in her destiny and we can't change what's written in our destiny. Though I had warned you. I had warned you before that he is not a good guy and will not keep our Amira happy, but you did not listen to me. You did not listen to me today and that day as well."

"I'm really sorry Huraz bhai. I wish I would have listened to you that day when you expressed it to me. I wish I would have listened to you and we wouldn't have to face this today" cried Farhaan and hugged his Huraz bhai.

"I think it's time for you to go and talk to Amira. I know she will be shocked and only you can talk to her and get her ready for this marriage"

"yes I'll go talk to her about it" stated Farhaan.

Farhaan slowly walked up to her room and broke down looking at the scene in front of him. His baby sister was crying while lifting her hands and praying to their lord on the prayer mat. He never wanted to see his sister cry. He felt as though it was his mistake that he had asked his sister to marry that Ehsan.

He wiped his tears away and walked up to his sister.

"Amira Bacha please mujhe maaf kardo. It's all my mistake. I wish I hadn't taken the decision in a hurry. I wish I would have done a proper background check on that bastard. I will make sure he doesn't live a peaceful life"

"Bhai it's not your fault. It was written in my destiny and even I can't change it" Amira told him.

"You both talk alike Amira. You both are like you are made for each other. How could I not see that before. I wish I could have heard him that day" he slowly whispered but Amira had heard him.

"Who? What are you talking about bhai" Amira asked confused after listening to her brother.

"Huraz bhai, and I came here to tell you that he wants to marry you and has asked me to take your consent"

Amira's breath hitched. She was not ready for this. How could she marry him. Her heart was happy but her mind was asking her a lot of what if questions.

"I know you are going through a great turmoil but I want you to trust Allah with this Amira. He is a good person and his intentions are good. I know he will keep you happy. I wish I wouldn't have rejected him" he told her and mumbled the last part to himself.

She heard her brother. She thought for a while. She thought that maybe Allah has answered her prayer and showed this as a sign of her prayer.

She held her breath and gave her answer in affirmative.


Assalamu alaikum everyone.

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