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The longer you wait for somebody, the more you'll appreciate it when you get it.


Huraz's pov:

"I'm sorry please continue", she said coming out of her trance.

"You don't have to be sorry Amu".

"Okay so as you know, I always had a soft corner for you since the time you were born. I always cared for you. Maybe a little extra than the other cousins. I don't know when this care turned into affection and then slowly into love.

I loved doing little things for you. I loved drinking chai made by you. I love when ever you would smile for little things. I love the way you took care of the poor without letting anyone know. I did not just fall for your beauty but I fell for your soul too.

I know I was not a good guy back then but I tried changing my self but I guess it was too late. I was fire and you were ice. You would cool my burn by melting the ice. I had the fear of losing you and indeed I had lost you.

You were just sixteen and I was twenty four when I told Farhaan that I wanted to marry you and I would wait till you complete your graduation. Well I wasn't settled at that time in my life. I did have a start up job with my friend but it wasn't working out much. Farhaan told me that he and Chachu would never give you to someone who is not settled in life.

Farhaan also said that it would be a huge age gap between us and he said that you wouldn't want to marry an angry and short tempered man like me. I was hurt and broken at that time. Farhaan dint even let me see you.

I know I had temper issues but I truly tried changing myself. You had once seen me get angry and were terrified to see me like that and you told Farhaan about it. He thought that you wouldn't want someone who doesn't even know how to control his anger.

He thought I'll have a bad influence on you. It wasn't completely his fault though. He was just protecting his sister"

I paused and looked at her. She was listening attentively with furrowed eyebrows. So I continued further.

"Then later after a few months Mumma was on her dead bed and she wanted to see me get married. I tried refusing her but she wouldn't listen. I tried my level best to convince her but she wouldn't budge. She was a typical desi mom" I chuckled remembering the way she blackmailed me.

"Then finally I gave up and put everything in the lord's hands and got married to Zara. I tried moving on Amu. I literally did try and eventually after a few days I moved on Alhamdulillah. I was not completely happy but I was somewhat satisfied.  She was a good human with a lot of patience. She loved me truly. After two years our champ Ahan was born. We both loved him immensely.

Two years ago Zara died in an accident. She was coming back from her mother's place and luckily her sister had asked her to leave Ahan with her or else I would have lost my Ahan as well. Zara and the driver died on the spot. We couldn't save her" my eyes welled up as I thought about Zara's death.

"I didn't want to come back here. I didn't want to face another heartbreak.  Meri taqdeer me Kuch aur Likha hua tha. (But I guess my destiny had different plans). After Zara's death I took care of Ahan. I spent most of my time with him. He was just 2 years old when he lost his Mumma. He would always crave for her love Amu. When ever we would go out, I would catch him looking lovingly at children who were with their mothers. I would always feel sad for him. Nobody could replace Zara's love for Ahan, but the other day I saw Ahan laughing and playing with you. I knew you would complete that void place in his life. I knew you would love him like he is your own son." she had a faint smile on her face.

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