Epilogue 💞

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Surprise surprise!

Since most of you asked for this. Here you go. Enjoy reading!


You won't ever find me behind you
Because I will be beside you
That way you know
You can always lean on me
As we walk this journey.


Nysha's pov:

Oh Allah! I'm sure he must be waiting as I'm 5 minutes late. I started walking faster after asking the driver to go back home once I reached the cafe. I took a deep breath and released it slowly and fixed myself. I was wearing a bottle green maxi gown with a beige colour hijab. I fixed my dress and pushed the door of the cafe and entered and looked for him.

In the back of the cafe sat Zaroon in a dark green turtle neck, a silver watch on his left wrist. His black hair settled neatly on his head. He looked the most attractive man on earth. I looked around the cafe and noticed a lot of girls had their eyes on him and he was least bothered with their gaze. He looked up from his mobile and our eyes met. He immediately placed his phone on the table and stood up to greet me as j walked closer to him.

This is what I love about Zaroon, When he looked at me, it was only me, no one else in the room mattered.

This man just belonged to me. He was there for me in each and every step I took towards our success. And he won my heart eventually. I wouldn't be successful if I didn't have Zaroon by my side. He helped me a lot.

"How have you been Nysha?" he pulled out a chair for me and made me sit. He held my hand in his and asked while he gave me his breathtaking smile which always melted my heart.

"Alhamdulillah I'm doing great. All thanks to you" I replied with a smile on my face.

It was two years since our Nikah. The most awkward beginning I had to face in my life. Everything had just changed completely and I had my Nikah done to a completely different person instead of getting engaged.

It wasn't forced but it was something else. This new relation was something I could never imagine.

Just after we got nikahfied, the next day was my best friend Sana's wedding. I had informed her in what scenario our Nikah had taken place and she was happy for me. She too told me that Zaroon was a good guy and he would be the best choice for me. Sana was over the moon after hearing about my Nikah.

It was awkward for me when he tried stealing glances and wanting to talk to me during Sana's ruksati but I was still not convinced that, I was now a married woman. I needed time. I wanted to tell him that I was not yet ready for it but I would eventually get ready for it. I wanted to put forward my point, that I wanted to do something for my family. And when he came to talk to me I told him this.

"Zaroon you might be wanting the ruksati to be held as soon as possible but I need some time. I want to do something for my family. I've always dreamt about this and I want to give them the status they deserve"

"Nysha I'm no one to stop you from doing so. And I've told you before and I'm telling you this once again. I'm always with you in whatever you do. I will help you in this" he had told me calmly.

"I do not want to be a burden to you" I confessed.

"I never told that you're a burden to me. You are my life partner and don't ever say that you're a burden to me. We are now companions and we're supposed to walk together in this life. Your part of problems are mine to handle. I want to stay with you in every turn of life. Even if it's good or bad I don't care"

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