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Be patient in yourself.
Nothing in nature blooms all year.


Ayman's pov: (sorry if you were waiting for somebody else's pov🙊)

What is she doing here?
She wants to spoil her brother's marriage as well just the way she spoilt her married life?
Ye manhoos yahan kya kar rahi hai? (what is this bad omen doing here?)

As I was passing the guests I heard them calling me a bad omen. It wasn't my fault if my marriage didn't work. I couldn't handle them Name-calling me, so I rushed out of the hall and went to the garden area. Tears were continuously flowing from my eyes.

I was running when I collided with a hard body and when I looked up I was shocked to find him here.

What is he doing here?

I don't remember inviting him for my brothers wedding. Well you might be wondering who is it.

The great Nihaal khan was standing right in front of me. I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand and gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Hayat, what's wrong?" he asked. I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"Aap? Yahan?" I asked.
(you?  Here?)

I didn't want to look into his eyes. It was as though they would steal my soul just by looking at me. It was as though he could read me just by looking at me.

"Mr. Khan" I snapped my fingers to divert his attention.

"Miss. Hayat we aren't in office nor in college. Why is it that you don't call my name? Can we just for once stop being formal?"

"Umm Nihaal what are you doing here?" I asked him. This was the first time I had taken his name in front of him. He had a very different and unique name.

"Well I was invited here. Aise he nahi chala aaya yahan bina invitation ke" he let out a small chuckle.
(I did not just come here without an invitation)

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way" I quickly apologised.

"Hey it's alright. Relax"

I slightly felt embarrassed. I remebered why he was here. My cheeks started heating up a bit. I had forgotten what happened inside a few minutes ago.


The next day bhaiyu came to my room again and asked me if I had opened the envelop. I told him I would open it in a while. After that he left me alone.

I took the letter kept on the table and I was contemplating whether I should open it or not.

Then finally I opened it and was beyond shocked to see what laid in front of me.

Their were pictures of Nihaal khan. He had sent me a proposal. I didn't want his sympathy.

Was he sympathising over the fact that I was crying in front of him in his office that day?

"why are you doing this Nihaal? I don't want you to marry me due to sympathy!"


Nihaal's pov: (surprise surprise)

I was walking inside the venue when I felt someone collide with me. I looked down and found it to be Ayman Hayat. The girl who had stolen my heart from a very long time.
7 years to be precise.

She looked ethereal in the beautiful peach colour lehenga. But what caught my eye were the tears in her eyes.

Why was she crying again? Who had hurt her now? I wouldn't spare if it turns out to be zain again.

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