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Eid Mubarak my lovely readers
Taqabbal Allahu Minna wa minkum

Here's a lil eidi from me to you🙈


The best feeling in the world is being with someone who wants you as much as you want them.


Amira tried her best and kept the family together.She would always organise lunch and invite the rest of the family. Her dad's side of the family was happy to see her bond well with the family.

It was almost three months to their marriage and it was yet another lunch party at their house and the whole family was invited. Her parents, her Phuphu and her chachus family was present. It was going all well. They were settled on the dining table and were having lunch.

Sarah was stealing glances of Farhaan and as usual he tried avoiding her. He knew she had a liking for him but did not give much importance about it.

As usual her Phuphu was not satisfied and decided to add some Mirch masala in the gathering.

"It's very sad that ehsan did not show up to the wedding but we are glad that Huraz decided to marry you and save you. Who would have accepted you if not for our Huraz? You should always be thankful of him. And I guess you should stop with going to work. We do not want people talking about it"

Amira was always criticised by this particular aunt of hers. What ever she did, she would be criticised. She tried her level best to ignore it. She was indeed thankful that he accepted her.

She did not want to back answer her rudely and decided to answer her calmly. Her parents had taught her to respect their elders even if they were being rude to them.

"Yes Phuphu Alhamdulillah I'm thankful that he decided to accept me that day. It is indeed Qadr of Allah. But I will not leave my job".  She couldn't leave her job just because people will talk. Obviously people will talk but it has to be in us to ignore their useless talks.

"I've taught my daughter to face the society aapi and I do not expect her to leave her job just because some people will talk" told her father. He did not like what ever his sister was talking.

Huraz noticed the tension and decided to interfere. He did not like their Phuphu talking to Amira like that. He thought he should be the most thankful one as his lord decided to make it happen.

"Phuphu what ever happened,  it happens for the best. And I do not want to expose what all ehsan has done. You might think he's a great guy, well he definitely isn't. I'm also glad Allah chose to cross our paths and I do not want her to quit working. In fact I would be happy if she joins me in building up my company. Women bring barakah to the family and yes she is the barakah that I needed in my life. I would not want to hear another word for my wife" he started telling her calmly but in the end he told her through gritted teeth. He was not ready to listen to her talk about Amira in a negative way. He did not like his Phuphu's narrow minded thinking.

Marriage comes with a lot of sacrifices but one simple gesture from your partner gives you a lot of confidence. It is always important to have a caring partner at times like these.

He knew that his Phuphu wanted to get him married to her daughter. Tasmiya. But he was not interested in her and always treated her like his baby sister. Tasmiya also thought of him as a brother and was not interested in marrying him. She was happy that he chose to marry Amira. He would never leave her side and would always stand up for his wife.

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