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We didn't realize we were making memories
We just knew we were having fun.


The next day in college

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The next day in college.

Everyone were gathered in the canteen. They all were giving a puzzled look to Sadiya and Junaid. Ayman was throwing daggers at sadiya.

"What? " asked Sadiya feigning innocence.

"Will you tell us how you are related to Ayman's professor" Amina inquired.

"He is our elder brother. It was great fun to watch you shocked at that sight" Sadiya laughed out.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday you gadhi (donkey)" Ayman was glaring her. If looks could kill, she would definitely be six feet under.

"As if you let me speak. You were just blabbering about how much you hate his presence" sadiya replied.

"Junaid why didn't you tell us" Bushra turned to Junaid and asked him.

"well I was not present when y'all were having that convo. And before that you were busy Fangirling him" Junaid answered while rolling his eyes.

"So were you jealous?" Amina asked while controlling her laugh. She thought 'why not have some fun pulling his leg'.

"Why will I be jealous? That too of my own brother? Nope. Not gonna happen"

"why did that khadoos had to be your brother" Ayman cried out loud. She pulled her legs up on the chair and put her head on top of her kneecaps.

"Stop calling him khadoos. He is anything but that. It's just that you had a wrong first impression about him Ayman. He is still the same loving and caring bhai I talk about everytime" Sadiya said sitting next to Ayman and lifting her head up with her hands.

"I just hope we don't cross paths much and everything goes right. I do not want to get screwed again" Ayman remarked.

"Okay now please continue having lunch. I'm hungry" Zeeshan exclaimed happily eyeing the lazeez Naan and butter chicken in front of him.

"Me too" Anam joined him.

"when are y'all not hungry guys" Nabiya stated shaking her head at the amazing duo.

Zeeshan and Anam were the foodie duo. Those two would always think about food anywhere and everywhere they go. Their motto was 'work could be done later on, food comes first. We can't miss out on delicious food for assignments'.

After having their lunch they continued chatting. Later all of them departed to their classes.

Ayman was happy because she didn't have to see her new professor today, as they didn't have his class.

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