6 💞

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Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moment of life. Keep the faith. It will all be worth it in the end.


Zaroon's pov:

The other day Nysha's dad, Mr Ahmed had come to my office and it was really difficult to convince him to take the post I had for him. I wanted him to be the senior manager but he immediately declined it. But I convinced him to join the post, saying that dad would be angry if I had not helped him in any way.

I asked him why didn't he confront his brothers for the dispute they had caused them and he told me,

The prophet ﷺ said,

"You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness"

He also told me another hadees which says that Allah will give us a house in jannah.

A house in Paradise Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners."

Days passed and I got busy with my work and didn't have time for anything else. Usman was also angry because I didn't go wedding shopping with him. But I was really having a very hectic schedule. I hadn't even seen Nysha after the mall incident.

Today I was a little bit free and was sitting in my office. Their was a knock on the door and I asked the person to come in and it was uncle Ahmed. I immediately got up from my seat giving him respect and asked him to take a seat. I sat down in my seat once he sat.

"Sir.. I mean Zaroon, I won't be able to come tomorrow to office" he started if with sir but once he saw the sad look on my face, he called me by my name.

"is everything alright uncle?" I asked him. I was a little worried now. I hadn't paid any attention to their whereabouts recently.

"Everything is good Alhamdulillah. Tomorrow is my daughter's engagement" I felt like the ground beneath my feet had disappeared and I was falling.

"I want you to come along with your mother Zaroon. It's just a small ceremony and it will be at our home. I will be happy if you pay us a visit tomorrow" he told.

How could I attend the engagement of the person I loved? But I couldn't hurt him. He was like a father figure and mentor to me. So nodded my head plastering a fake smile on my face. Uncle got up to leave.

"uncle can you please share me the details of the groom? I'll do a proper background check on him" I stopped him and said even thought I felt like I had a huge stone placed on my heart.

He gave me the details about the groom. I forwarded the details to my personal investigator.

Today was Nysha's engagement and I didn't get any details from my personal investigator. I told everything to my mother and she too was sad for me. With a heavy heart we went to their house.

I was having a difficult time witnessing all the preparations going around and everyone running around in their house. This was not supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to get engaged to anyone but me.

I couldn't witness this so I excused myself from my mother and went towards my car. I needed to get out the frustration out of my mind.

I sat in my car and I was just igniting and bringing it to life, while my phone started ringing. I was shocked to hear all the information my investigator gave me. I immediately asked him to forward me the details. With a satisfied smirk I got up and decided to change everything for now.

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