2 🤗

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But the most beautiful thing in life are not just things.
They're people, and places, memories and pictures.
They're feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.


"Baji aao na (come) let's go out. Koi nai hai ghar me (nobody is at home)" he told her sweetly. Almost pleadingly. She thought for a while and agreed to the cute puppy face her little cousin brother made.

But she was scared. What if her khala finds out. She would be dead. She couldn't afford another round of beating.

But then she looked at her cousin brother again. Maybe she could live freely for once after staying inside or rather being caged inside for the past 3 months.

She thought for a while. She couldn't go out of the house as someone might see her. So she told sajid that they could go to the terrace. He was sad for a bit but then nodded in affirmative.

The terrace had a door and it would always be locked. Her khala had locked it as she didn't want any burglars at home. They took the keys from the key stand and started climbing the stairs.

Sajid was chirpy as always. He would entertain her with his little stunts and talks. He would always talk and talk but he remained the quite opposite infront of his mother and siblings.

They opened the door. It was evening time around 5pm. The sun cast a rosy hue across the sky. The terrace shimmered with the heat of the sun. It felt serene to witness the sun and feel the heat of it after so long.

The buildings were very close to each other. One could jump from one terrace to another. They both were strolling on the terrace when they heard the next door being shut loudly. Someone came running on the terrace.

She saw a guy almost of her age coming to his side of terrace. He had tears flowing down his cheeks. She felt bad for him. She could imagine her own brother.

"Nadir bhai!! Kya hua? Aap Aise?" sajid rushed to the other side of the terrace leaving her alone.

That Nadir guy bent down on his knees and started crying hysterically. She felt bad for him. She didn't know what he was going through but she did feel bad for him. She was always around bubbly and chirpy people. But sadly her own life had turned upside down in the past 3 months.

She moved to the other side of the terrace and jumped on their side. It was almost on the same level, so it wasn't difficult to go to the other side. She knew she was intruding others privacy but she couldn't help it much. She went and sat infront of him just like sajid was sitting but maintaining a little bit of space between them.

She didn't know how to even console.

He looked up and she could see his blood shot eyes. She could feel tears starting to form in her own eyes. Maybe because she could understand his pain?

He saw a stranger and wiped his tears. He didn't like crying in front of people. Which is why he had left his house and had come to the terrace to get some privacy. But he found sajid with a girl almost of his age.

"Nadir bhai? Kya hua hai? Aap ro Kyun rahe ho" sajid asked sadly. He had seen his Nadir bhai cry for the first time.

Sajid had just been like Nadir. Always playing pranks on others. Irritating the neighbors. Standing on the terrace and throwing water balloons on the passerby. Playing cricket and yelling on the roads while playing.

"Kuch nai Sajid. I just got to know the biggest truth of my life. And it pains like hell" he told sajid and whispered the last part and stood up, but it was clearly heard by Faikha. Sajid couldn't understand what he was saying.

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