||🌙️ Inayat - blessing🌙️ ||

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Assalamu alaikum everyone

How are y'all?

I have something for you.




Drum rolls🥁🥁🥁

A little teaser of Bushra's and Junaid's story - Inayat.

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"Junaid when will we reach home?" Fiza asked him hundredth time. They were in the aeroplane and we're going back home after almost 2 years. Only if Bushra had not hurt him and had not disappeared he wouldn't have to be engaged to Fiza and get married to her. He hated what she had done to him. She had hurted him. He wanted to hate her but his heart wouldn't listen to him.

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"Bushra! Baby Chalo let's go" A man came to the room and asked her to come along. As soon as he looked at her, his breath hitched. Finally he was seeing her dressed as his bride. Finally he won and had her by his side and she would be his wife in few hours but she had an opposite feeling seeing him.

She was scared of him. Her tears which had stopped flowing a while ago started flowing again. She didn't want to get married to him. She hated his mere existence. One single glance had destroyed her life.

"Baby come we're getting late" she loathed that endearment. She wanted to run away. She wanted to tell him that she didn't like him and wanted to go back home. She realised she did not like him. She missed her friends. She missed Junaid.

He took long striding steps towards her. He looked like a predator and she was his prey.

"Ik..Ikram please don't hurtt me" she started trembling and pleading him. Finally she lost her consciousness and fell into darkness.

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Soooo how was it guyssss??

What do you think happened between Junaid and Bushra?

What had Bushra done, that junaid wanted to hate her?

Who is Ikram?

Why is Bushra scared of him?

To know more, you need to wait a little more.

It will be out in September.

Yaayy I'm super excited for this one. Keep guessing.


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