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I want to hold your hand at 80 and say we made it.


"I will give this marriage a chance. I will give us a chance. You've already suffered a lot and I do not want you to suffer any more" she stated coming out of the hug.

He held her hand and the feeling of her next to him fluttered his heart. He was feeling as though he was on cloud nine. He intertwined their hands and saw her cheeks turning to a shade of pink. The colour of shyness on her cheeks were making her look even more beautiful. He lifted their intertwined hands and gently placed a kiss on her knuckles.

"So dear biwi (wife) , would you like to have some ice cream?" He asked and she blushed at his words.

She shyly nodded her head without looking at him.

He got up and went to the kitchen. He took out her favourite ice cream flavour. Butterscotch ice cream. Ahan also liked butterscotch ice cream just like his father and Amira, which is why it was available at home.

He got back to the room with two bowls of ice cream and handed over one to Amira. She took it and started eating it slowly. She was enjoying her ice cream when all of a sudden he held her hand which was holding a spoonful of ice cream and he ate from it. She was shocked by his sudden action. She looked at him with mouth agape and wide open eyes.

"What? I was just having ice cream from my wife's hand. Don't give me that look"

"But that was my share of ice cream" she said with a cute pout on her lips.

"Sharing is caring biwi" He said that and he winked at her.

He slowly leaned forward while his face was in front of her. He held her face by cupping her face with his left hand and his right hand was behind her neck. His breath was fanning over her face and she closed her eyes tightly. She could feel the knot opening and butterflies erupting in her stomach. His thumb was tracing her lips and she felt like her heart would come out any second. His eyes were fixed on her voluptuous volume of lips.

"May I?" he asked gazing at her lips. She shyly blinked her eye lashes and looked down feeling flustered. He took that as a yes.

He slightly brushed his lips against hers and moved back a little bit to see if she was comfortable with it. He leaned forward and pressed his lips once again on hers and deepened the kiss and slightly tilted her head.

He felt like her lips were softer than anything he has known, soft like a snowfall, like biting into cotton candy, like melting and floating in water. She tasted sweet, effortlessly sweet.

His lips felt rough against hers. She tightly clutched his t-shirt in her fist. She slowly lifted her hand up and slowly started running her fingers through his hair.

Both of them broke the kiss and were breathing heavily.

She immediately moved back creating a distance between them . She looked down and he could see her face turning even more crimson than it already was. She was feeling shy all of a sudden. He moved forward and held her hand and pulled her closer. She collided with his chest. He encircled his arms around her and tightly hugged her. She snuggled close to his chest. Both of them moved to the bed holding each other. She cuddled and snuggled up into his warmth and both of them fell into a peaceful slumber feeling each other's warmth.


The next day both of them woke up early and after taking bath they read fajr Salah together. They slept again for sometime.

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