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The prettiest smile hide the deepest secrets.
The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears.
And the kindest heart have felt the most pain.

Both Sajid and Faikha ran back after locking the door and she gave the keys to Sajid to put it back in place.

They successfully reach the ground floor and just then the front door opens revealing her khala and shaziya. They turned in just under the wire.

They both scan the surrounding and look at her with narrow eyes. Faikha starts to panic thinking that she is caught red handed but then

"Now will you just keep standing and looking at us or get water  for us" Her khala glares at her.

She rushes to the kitchen to fetch water for them. Faikha comes back and handles them the glasses. Their was a knock on the door and her khala tells her to open the door.

She opens the door and finds Hamid. He gives her a once over look and she feels disgusted by his look. Their was something creepy about him. His eyes were filled with lust.

She runs back to the kitchen and continues doing work. She starts preparing dinner for everyone.

Sahil's pov:


"SAHIL BHAI! MAA! BABA!?" I heard Nadir yelling from baba's room. I wonder what had happened to him all of a sudden and why was he yelling.

All of us reached the room and saw Nadir holding papers and tears were flowing from his eyes.

"Bhai what is this? Is it true?"

"Kya hua Nadir what is it?" I moved forward to him. Why was he reacting like this.

He forwarded me a paper. I took it and I was shocked to see what it was.

Oh no no. He shouldn't have seen this.

This is not right. I will not be able to explain it to him.

I gave the paper to my parents and they had the same look of bewilderment on their face.

This was not right.

"Bhai tell me this is a lie.
Please tell me this is not true" he started begging me. My parents were not meeting my eyes. I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Why are you quiet bhai? So it's actually true?" he started shouting.

"I do not believe this. My whole life was a lie? How could y'all do this to me? Who are my parents? Why am I adopted? Why are you not answering " he kept on shouting and asking questions.

I was just going to answer him when he ran out of the room. I immediately followed him but it was of no use as he had already got out of the house.

I rushed to the door to find it locked from outside. Ya Allah this shouldn't be happening like this. I was not prepared for this.

Maa and Baba came out crying and begged me to talk to him.

"Sahil! Please bacha, please do something. We just couldn't get ourselves to tell him the truth even though you had asked us to tell it to him. Please talk to him" Maa started crying. I went to her side and hugged her. She looked pale and weak.

It makes me sad thinking that they are growing old. I wish I could keep them with me forever but I can't go against nature.

I looked at baba and he was also sad and maybe he was remembering his sister. Waheeda Phuphu.

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