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Hide your eyes darling,
People can see your heart through them.

It was Friday afternoon. The masjid was filled with people to perform the Jummah Salah. Sahil was dressed in a black pathani outfit. The colour suited him perfectly. After performing Jummah Salah in the masjid , Sahil came out of the masjid and was going back to his home, when he saw Sajid.
He was enjoying an ice-cream outside the masjid under the clouds and trees.

He thought it was time to talk to that little guy and get to know more about Faikha and it was perfect time.

Sajid saw Sahil coming his way and he stood straight and greeted him with a scared smile. He was scared of this elder brother of Nadir. He could get along with Nadir but was a little scared of Sahil.

"Walaikum assalam sajid" he returned his greeting. "I heard you have some hidden guests at home" he started with his questions and raised a perfect shaped eyebrow. After all he was an LLB graduate. A pursuing Lawyer.

It had always been Sahil's dream to become a lawyer and now that he was becoming one, he was always grateful to his almighty for making him one. He wanted to help Muslims with their rights.

"Oh Voh! She's my cousin, Faikha Baji. She is staying with us from 3 months" he quickly answered him. Sajid was trembling inside but he remained calm in front of him. He didn't want to show himself as the scared little kid even though he was one.

"3 months? But I haven't seen her even once" he asked again.

"She doesn't like going out" Sajid lied smoothly but Sahil detected his lie.

"She doesn't like going out or she isn't allowed to go out?" sajid was shocked at this question. He wondered how did he know about his cousin sister.

"Woh, Mumma ne mana kiya tha unhe bhai. One day I had asked Mumma if I could take her out. But she got angry with me and even slapped me for it as I was annoying her. Since that day Baji doesn't go out and never even mentions about going out. I asked her why and she said she wouldn't want to hurt me" he sounded dejected.

"But why doesn't aunty allow her to go out?"

"Mumma thinks that she will only invite boys and will have bad company of friends and it is not good as Shaziya aapi also stays at home. But I know my Faikha baji, she isn't like that"

"How old is she? What about her studies?"

"She's 17 years bhai and I think she stopped going to college because Mumma didn't like it"

'Ye aunty ka kuch toh karna parega' thought Sahil.

Faikha had always been a dreamer. She had always wanted to become a doctor but as her parents left her at a very young age, she couldn't complete her studies.

She had just finished her 12th Std. She would be 18 years old in 3 months. She would be a legal adult and could fight for her rights and file a case against her khala and her family. She just needed a little support in life and she would reach great heights.

"I want you to bring Faikha to the terrace like that day" Sahil turned towards Sajid once again and told him or more like ordered him.

"But bhai what if Mumma gets to know about it. She will not spare me" Sajid was frightened. He could imagine his mother with the two horns of devil. She would probably murder him as well.

Sahil just glares at him and seeing him glare Sajid immediately agrees. Though he doesn't know how would he do that.

Sajid went back home and he saw his mother going out. He thought this was the best time to take Faikha out. He goes to his mother and asks her where she was heading to.

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