Chapter Four

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My alarm started screaming and woke me up. I hate being awake. I want to just stay in my dream world with Jay and my family. But nope I'm stuck in the real world. Reality sucks. I got out of bed and made my bed, as it was the first day of summer, I decided to change my duvet cover to something a bit cooler. I went about my room tidying the stuff I was supposed to do last night but was too tired to do. It didn't take me too long to finish due to the fact it wasn't a lot. I got dressed into jeans and a hoodie, my uncle believes that women should cover up which is ridiculous. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I looked into the mirror and screamed at the top of my lungs. How has this happened? My uncle came rushing in. "What have you done you stupid girl?" I was staring at the mirror in horror. My hair was short and was now dark blue. How did this happen? It looked exactly like how my mum did it in my dream. "I didn't do this," I cried.

"So, it's magic then?" I didn't answer because I couldn't, I didn't know the answer myself. "Do you think I'm stupid?" My uncle smacked me across the face. He hit me so hard I fell to the ground and on the way down I hit my head on the sink. My head was pounding, and blood started to drip down my face. "You went against my direct orders and did exactly what was not allowed. You look ridiculous."

"I didn't do this. It wasn't me."

"Stop lying. You cut and dyed your hair like an idiot. You should consider yourself lucky I'm not throwing you out. No food for a week. Now get my coffee then stay out of my face for the rest of the day."

I ran to my room and threw myself on to my bed. What's going on? I didn't do this; I don't even have to products to do this. I was so confused. I sat there crying my eyes out. "Stop crying you pathetic girl." My uncle ordered. I covered my mouth and tried to silence the crying.

It was Saturday which meant time to get my uncle's weekly coffee from his favourite cafe, Claire's Cafe, and if I didn't get it quick, he'll be even more mad then he already is. I quickly put myself together and stopped my head from bleeding. I loved my new hair, but it's freaking out. However, right now I needed to focus on getting my uncle's coffee. I put my shoes on, put my hood up and headed out the door.

I reached Claire's Cafe and immediately noticed Aiden and her group. They were sat in a booth by the door throwing balls of tissue at a girl called Raven. Raven was in a few of my classes. She has dark purple hair, pale skin and always wore round black sunglasses but no one knew why. Raven kept to herself and always gets bullied by Aiden and her friends, but she just blocks them out. Raven was sat reading a book and was wearing a black sunhat and a black jumpsuit. I walked through the front door and went to the counter. "Can I have a black coffee to go please?" I handed over the money and the man went off to make the coffee.

"Well well well look who's here guys." Aiden shouted as she came over to me. "It's freak season." I just ignored her and continued waiting for my order. "Is leafy not talking?" one of Aiden's friends laughed. Could this order take any longer?

"Guys our drinks are going to get cold," Luka stated.

"The drinks can wait. I'm not finished yet. Somebody needs to teach this season to not be so rude," Aiden replied as she nudged me.

"Aiden why don't you listen to your little boyfriend and go be the narcissistic, cheerleader you are somewhere else and leave Autumn alone." Surprisingly, it was Raven defending me, she didn't even look up from her book.

"What was that little bird?" Aiden replied, annoyed.

"You my mummy now? Is little bird the best you could come up with Adrian?" Aiden got really mad and decided to push me onto Raven, I landed on her lap causing her glasses to fall off revealing her secret. Aiden and her mates started laughing and sat back at their table, it was only Luka who wasn't laughing but he usually doesn't. "Whoa I just assumed the freak didn't have eyes," Aiden laughed. I looked up saw Raven had heterochromia, which looks really cool, she had one blue eye and one green eye. Raven didn't even react, just got up, put her glasses on and went to walk out of the cafe but just before she exited, she kicked Aiden's table spilling their drinks all over them. They all jumped up and started freaking out, especially Aiden, she's obsessed with her looks. Raven is what I aspire to be. I picked myself up and went to collect my order that was finally ready. Aiden and her friends are jerks. I hate them. "Look at this, not only does birdie freak have freaky eyes but now freak season has a new look."

I didn't realise my hood had fallen down. I looked at them and flipped them off, "why have you always got to be douches. It's constantly and it's pathetic."

"Your head? That didn't happen in the fall, did it?" Luka asked, concerned.

"What?" I touched my head and winced in my pain; my wound had opened back up.

"It looks like you're getting your period out of your head," Aiden laughed. I ran out of the café.

The second I got back; I gave my uncle his coffee then ran straight to my room to avoid him. I once again managed to stop the bleeding. I spent the rest of my the day in my room trying to come up with every reasonable explanation that would explain my hair. I even combed through my room looking for fragments of chopped off hair that would suggest I cut my hair in my sleep but nothing.

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