Chapter Twenty-Five

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We entered the room. It looked like the last one but smaller and right in the centre is the dream gem. It's black and white and floating in mid-air. It didn't have a shine to it. It's more like it was taking light away. Luka and Aiden stayed by the door to keep watch. I slowly walked towards the crystal. I reached it and just stared. I destroy the dream gem and it's all over. Everything goes back to normal. Everyone goes back to their normal lives. Everyone goes back to their families. Raven will be alive. My family will be gone for good. The devil and the hardlings will die and so will I. I have to give up everything. I have to lose everything. Including my life. "I can't do this!" I shouted as I backed away from the gem.

"Are you kidding me? Raven's dead." Aiden screamed in anger.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to lose my family again. I don't want to die."

"You can do this." Jay said as he teleported in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I thought you could use some help. Plus, I thought I'd let you know your family are back in the dream world. Safe."

"You can't help me. I'm not doing it. Take me home and bring my family back." I demanded.

"I'm not going to do that Autumn."

"Why not?"

"Because the family you need are right here. They may not be blood but they're family. Aiden, Luka and Raven are like family. You choose your family."

"How are they like my family?" They're just friends. Nothing more. They're not like my family.

"What do you remember about the crash?" Jay asked which confused me.

"What does that matter?"

"Just tell me."

"Not much. Us driving then a bright light. Next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital and my family are dead."

"You remember more than you think, you've suppressed it. I've wondered round your mind and I saw what happened. Something happened I think you should know."

"And what's that?" Why is this relevant?

"You were sat in the middle as you were playing with Tommy. When the two cars collided, a shard of glass from the front window broke off and headed right for you. You would've been killed. Your mum's instinct was to protect you and Tommy. She managed to jump in front just before the glass hit you. She was killed instantly. She died protecting you. It's how you're alive. She gave her life for you. Just like Raven did for Aiden. She didn't even think about it. Aiden, Raven and Luka have constantly put their lives at risk for you and for each other. Family protect each other no matter what." Jay finished and he's right. We are like a family. We protect each other no matter what. They would lay down their lives for me and now it's my turn. I'll happily give up my life to save theirs. "I'm still not strong enough though," I replied.

"What are you doing here? You could've teleported us here?" Aiden interrogated.

"I could've but Autumn needed to go through those horrors," Jay replied.

"Such a lovely boyfriend," I laughed. "You could've at least warned us."

"You needed to go through them to learn how strong you really are and so it can help you understand what you need to do in order to succeed. Luka's right and each floor was one of your worst fears and as you went up the fears got more intense. Now you're on the 9th floor. Your own personal hell. Destroying the gem won't be as simple as smashing it. You'll figure it out. You've got this."

"Or you could just explain it to me," I stated.

"Where's the fun in that," Jay laughed. "You need to figure it out for yourself. Remember you're stronger than you think and you're surrounded by friends. I love you so much Autumn. Goodbye." Jay vanished. Why did he have to be so cryptic? Why couldn't he just give me the answers? What am I supposed to do? Part of me still doesn't want to go through with this. I know I have my friends with me but I'm scared of dying and they're all going to forget me. I don't know what to do. I'm so conflicted.

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