Floor Five

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"Well, we should be grateful it did," Aiden said.

"We don't have long to figure it out as here's floor five," Luka stated. Once again, the power went and the lift grinded to a halt. I had to be scared of so many things.

"Thought of anything you're scared of yet?" Raven asked and I shook my head in response.

"If you have pantaphobia I'm going to kill you," Aiden said.

"What?" I replied.

"It means the fear of everything," she replied.

"How do you know that?" Luka asked.

"I saw it on Doctor Who." We all stared at Aiden. She watches Doctor Who? "Don't look at me like that. I love the show. My dad watched it growing up and now we watch it together. It's our thing." That's when everything went pitch black. "Or don't look at me at all..." Aiden slowly said.

"You're scared of the dark?" Luka asked.

"Yes, I used to think I could see things in the darkness."

"That's called (insert)," Raven informed.

"Wow today is just full of new facts," Aiden stated. I hate the dark. My mind plays tricks on me. I looked around trying to see if I can see the others but it's as if I'm blind. I slowly walked around with my arms out in front of me so I don't smash in the wall. A few seconds later, I felt someone, "who's this?" I asked.

"It's me. Luka. I've got you." He grabbed my arms and pulled me in close. He hugged and stroked my hair to calm me down.

The lights strangely came back on and the lift started moving. I quickly moved on from Luka. "That was quick," Aiden said.

"Yeah, I managed to think of a happy memory quite easily," I lied. In honest, it's because of Luka I managed to keep calm and relax. Being in his arms was comforting. He made me feel safe. I can't tell the others; they'll laugh at me and think I'm weird.

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