Chapter Nineteen

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Just when the hardlings were about to slaughter us, we heard a roar that sent shivers down our spines. The hardlings immediately ran in the direction of the skyscraper, which is where the devil lives. "What was that?" Raven asked.

"The devil."

"And he scared the hardlings off?" Aiden said.

"He's in charge of them so my guess is he called them off," I replied.

"That doesn't sound better," Aiden said.

"It's not. The hardlings were about to kill us, the devil would've got exactly what he wanted so why call them off?" Jay asked.

"Maybe he wants to finish Autumn off himself," Luka said which wasn't settling to hear. So instead of being ripped to shreds by a hardling I get to be tortured to death by the devil. Great.

"Is everyone okay?" Raven asked.

"We're fine dear. You are?" My mum responded.

"I'm Raven ma'am."

"Pleasure to meet you. We're fine just a few cuts and bruises."

"I'm gonna need a bottle of aspirin," Aiden moaned. We all sat down to rest and after that we needed it.

A few moments later, Jay jumped up and said, "time to end this."

"You know how?" Aiden, Raven and Luka said with joy.

"Yeah, I found out whilst investigating. Only Autumn can do it. There's..."

"I don't wanna hear it," I said interrupting Jay.

"Why not?" Aiden asked.

"Autumn we can stop the hardlings and the devil," Luka added.

"And what happens if we do? Does the world go back to normal? Does everyone come back? Do my family disappear?" I shouted.

"What I found will get rid of everything from your dreams so me and your family will disappear. The world will go back to normal as if nothing ever happened but you'll all forget apart from Autumn." Jay answered but it wasn't the answer I wanted. I'm not losing my family. I lost them once before I won't do it again. They all have perfect families and perfect lives to go back to but what do I have? Nothing. An abusive uncle that treats me like dirt and a bully that makes everything worse. I can't do it. I won't. I don't want to be alone again. "Well, it doesn't matter because I'm not doing it. I'm not losing my family."

"Are you kidding me?" Raven stated.

"I can keep the field up around the house so everyone will be safe."

"We don't care about safety." Aiden shouted, "we want to go home. We want to see our families."

"And I don't want to lose mine."

"Autumn we understand but billions of people are dead and you have a chance so save them," Luka calmly said.

"You don't understand. You can go home and be with family whilst I go home to no one." I understand Luka's point, I really do but I've had almost my whole life of being alone and I don't want to go back to that. I had to watch my family die. I'll never forgive myself for all those people who died and all the destruction I've caused but it's my turn to be happy. This is my only chance for happiness. I'm safe here whereas at home I'm in constant worry of whether my last beating will cause my last breath. "You'll have us," Luka stated.

"Didn't you hear Jay? He said you'll forgot this ever happened. You won't remember becoming friends with me."

"You'll remember and you'll bring us all together again," Luka confidently said.

"None of you liked me."

"That's not true. I didn't mind you," Raven stated.

"I thought you were alright. It was only Aiden that didn't like you," Luka added.

"Exactly and she's the worst," I replied.

"Yes, but I want to change. I may not remember but I'll feel it in my gut. I'll know I need to be better. I've been given a second chance and I'm not going to waste that. Being in the end of the world has really opened my eyes. I regret how I treated people and I want to make it right. I want to go home and be my true self." Aiden said.

"And who's that?" Raven asked, "a bigger bit..."

"I'm gay." Aiden said which was the last thing we expected her to say.

"You're what?" I slowly asked.

"I'm gay. It feels so good and so scary to say."

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your best friend," Luka asked.

"I was worried you'd judge me. I was worried everyone would judge me so I judged them first and made sure I was the most popular so no one would find it. I was worried about telling my dad as he's the perfect citizen, does everything by the book and was a perfect gentleman. Raven's right we shouldn't care what people think." Aiden replied.

"I'd never judge you for that," Luka said as he hugged her.

"And I'm a bi queen so I wouldn't judge," Raven laughed.

"No one would judge you, I'm so proud of you for coming out but you're just gonna have to be your true self in this world. I'm not losing my family. I'm sorry." I said as I grabbed my family and started to head home.

"Autumn you can't do this. You need to set things right. This is your fault to begin with. I want to go home. I want to see my dad." Aiden screamed.

"I'm sorry and I know you'll all hate me but I'm not losing my family again. I'm sorry. My mind's made up. I'm going to keep my family safe. I'm going home." I continued walking home. Jay started to follow. I looked back and I could see the depression and anger in their faces. They'll never forgive me. I feel bad for them but I'm not losing my family again. I can't. I won't.

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