Chapter Sixteen

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"Let them go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was stuck there, unable up to move, as I was forced to watch my family be attacked by hardlings. I had to listen to my brother cry his heart out and my parents scream. I screamed and cried. I tried to move and tried to use any power but nothing worked. I was completely frozen. I watched as my families lifeless bodies were dragged towards the city. I couldn't tell if they're alive or dead. That's when I heard something growling from behind. It didn't sound like a hardling. The creature sounds bigger. I could feel it breathing down my neck. It sent shivers down my spine. It gave me goosebumps and I could feel every hair stand on edge. I could finally move but I was too scared. I finally decided to move and face the beast. I slowly turned round. I looked into the eyes of the monsters and wanted to look away but was frozen in fear stuck looking into three firey green eyes. I was shaking. I couldn't breathe. This wasn't happening. I'm dead. We're all dead. I started screaming in terror. The devil. He's here. He's real.

Suddenly, I woke up and was still screaming. Was that a nightmare? It felt like it really happened. I could still feel the devil's breath on my neck and smell his foul stench. Are my family in danger? I can't shake the feeling what I saw was real and the hardlings have them. I woke up and realised I'm snuggled up to Luka, I was proper hugging him under his blanket and I felt as if I enjoyed it. I quickly moved away before he noticed. "Hey you okay?" Raven asked as she got up.

"Jesus Autumn, ever heard of a lie in. What's the time?" Aiden complained. "Really? It's eight in the morning."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You were screaming, what's wrong?" Luka asked as he sat up.

"Um... My family are in danger."

"How do you know?" Raven asked.

"I've just got this feeling." How am I supposed to explain I saw it in a nightmare? They'd think I'm crazy. "Can we please go home?"

"You woke me up for a feeling?" Aiden moaned.

"Cram it Aiden and get your lazy butt ready before I drag you back myself. Is it alright if I join you? It'll be nice to finally be surrounded by some friendly faces, minus Aiden's." Raven said.

"Offence taken," Aiden stated.


"Of course, you can Raven," I replied.

"Thank you." We quickly got ready whilst Raven went to pack a bag. We're finally ready and shot out the door.

We're now back at the car. "I know how to hot wire the car but not break in. We can't just smash the window; it'll set the alarm off and alert every hardling around." I said.

"I know how to and I can drive," Aiden said which shocked everyone.

"How?" We all asked.

"My dad taught me."

"But he's a cop," I said confused.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Aiden broke into the car, I hot-wired it then Aiden got into the driver's seat.

"Impressive you two," Raven complimented.

"Thanks." We got in the car and drove off as quick as possible.

It didn't take long to drive back. The whole drive back I was on edge. I was constantly tapping my leg. I was praying we'd get back and there my family would be safe and sound. We arrived at the house and I could immediately tell something was wrong. "The force field's down," I said.

"How can you tell? It's not like you can see it. How could it even go down without you knowing?" Aiden asked.

"I can just tell."

"Autumn didn't realise she put it up so maybe when she was putting all her focus and energy on creating the force field back in the ditch it lowered the one here," Luka said.

"Meaning Autumn's family were at risk," Aiden added. We ran to the front door; it's snapped in two. Luka cautiously entered and I went to follow but he quickly turned and grabbed me. "Don't look."

"Why? What's in there? Let me past!" Luka kept a tight grip and wouldn't let me past. What's he hiding? I got so scared and worried that I didn't even feel my power rising. Without even realising, I used telechensis and sent Luka flying. I didn't mean to. I'd never want to hurt him but I need to know if my family's okay. The others went to help Luka whilst I ran into the front room. The place has been ransacked. The wallpaper has been clawed at, the furniture's upturned and the windows are smashed. Worst of all there's no sign of family and there's blood everywhere. My dream was real. The hardlings took them. I collapsed to the floor and screamed at the top of my lungs. Things around me started to fly around the room and the others had to dodge them. "Autumn!" One of them screamed. They kept screaming at me but I wouldn't listen. I kept screaming and shouting.

"Autumn they might still be alive." I think it's Raven who shouted.

"You're right," I said as everything stopped flying around.

"How do you know? How'd you even know this happened?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know." I can't tell them I saw it in my dreams, they'll think I'm crazy.

"You don't know? I'm finding that hard to believe. You make no sense. You have powers, you know what hardlings are, your family are alive, you slept through the end of the world, you knew your family were in danger and now know they're somehow alive. Explain!" Aiden interrogated.

"I don't know."

"You clearly do know."

"Leave her alone," Luka defended.

"If she says she doesn't know then she doesn't. Cut her some slack she's just lost her family," it's Raven this time.

"I saw it in my dream..." I slowly said and instantly regretted.

"Sure, you did. I'll force the truth out of you," Aiden shouted as she pinned me against the wall with my face was pressed firmly against it.

"Aiden!" Luka and Raven shouted. Before I knew it, I was pushing Aiden back, running up the wall, flipping back then kicking her causing her to smash into the wall. How did I do that? "I'm so sorry. I don't know how I did that." I went to help Aiden but she pushed me off and looked at me angrily.

"You don't know? So, another thing you can't explain?" Aiden screamed, "you turned into a gymnast but don't know how?"

Suddenly, Jay teleported behind us, "I know how."

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