Chapter Twenty

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I got home and stormed into my room. I slammed my door shut and threw myself on my bed. They don't understand. I can't lose my family again. I've lost them once before I can't do it again. When I lost my family, it was like losing a part of myself and my body was consumed by depression but the second they came back it was like my life was whole again and I could finally be happy. They're the only good thing in my life. They don't know what it's like. None of them lost their family. None of them had to watch their whole family die. The second my family died everything started going downhill. My life sucks. I hate it. Now my dream world has become a reality I'm finally happy. I can't go back to a life of misery. I refuse. It's not fair. Why does everyone else get a happy life? Why do I have to suffer?

After twenty minutes of crying my eyes out and covering my mouth to silence my screams, my mum came in and sat on my bed. She sat there for a minute stroking my back but I remained hidden under my blanket. "Honey? You know what you have to do, right?" I didn't answer. I know what the right thing is for everyone else but it didn't match what the right thing for me is. I know I should do what's right but I don't want to lose my family again. I can't. "Listen. I know you're scared but..."

"No buts. You don't understand. If things go back to normal, you'll all disappear. You, dad and Tommy will all be gone. In this world, you're all dead. You all died in a crash when I was six. I was the only survivor. I had to watch you all die."

"I know." My mum stated.

"Wait. What? How?"

"Dad and I heard you talking to Aiden and Luka. We know we're not real but we also know that to you we're real and even if you do choose to let us go, we'll always be with you. We'll forever be in your heart and whenever you need us, we'll be there for you. You can always come visit."

"But I can't lose you again. My life sucks. Living with uncle isn't nice, he makes my life a living hell. Aiden and her goons aren't nice either."

"I know sweetie but you're strong enough to win against him. You have to stand up against him. You kept up a force field that protected us from an apocalypse."

"I can't lose you mum." I wasn't holding my tears back anymore.

"I know it's hard love but it's what needs to be done. The whole world's dying and there's innocent people dead. You can fix everything and make things right. You're my daughter and always will be. I know you'll do right thing."

"It means losing you so I won't."

"You won't lose us. We'll always be with you and will always love you. I know you Autumn. I know the real you. People need you and I know you love helping people so I know you'll do what's right. I love you honey. Please think about it." My mum got up and left my room. I know what my mum wants me to do and I know what I should do but I don't want to. I save the world but I lose mine. I save everyone's families but I lose mine. I don't know what to do.

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