Chapter Six

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It was Sunday evening which meant time for the weekly food shop. My uncle prefers doing a shop in the evening as it's less crowded and he can get reduced stuff. We were in the car and almost at the supermarket. We didn't talk at all on the drive there. There was a storm coming. The sky looked weird: the clouds looked black and there was constant thunder and lightning and heavy downfall. It started at midnight.

Five minutes later, we were at the shop. My dad parked in the closet spot to the entrance. My uncle made me wear a beanie to hide my "hideous" hair. I went and got a trolley. I was about to head inside when something caught my eye. I looked across the street and I swear I saw Jay. It was like one minute he was there and the next he was gone. I stood there for a minute trying to find him again. I was defiantly losing the plot or something. "Oi! Will you hurry up; I want to be quick." My uncle was still very angry about the hair and still didn't believe it wasn't me. Seeing as I wasn't allowed to eat this week, we only had to get half the amount of food.

We went round the shop, throwing things in the trolley like bread, soup and sugar. I wanted this shop to hurry up and be over so I can get back to my room and do some more writing. I wanted to spend as little time as possible around my uncle, I've never seen him this angry in my life. I could see the constant rage in his eyes, and he was constantly stomping round the house. For the next few weeks, I'll be walking on eggshells or I'll be living on the streets faster than I can say "hair cut".

We'd been shopping for about twenty minutes, when we got to the fruit and veg isle. For some weird reason all of it had turned mouldy. I had to cover my nose to try to stop smelling that awful smell. It's horrific. It smelled as if the fruit and veg had been left there for years but obviously it hadn't been. Fresh fruit and veg are put out every morning and the staff would've noticed so it's practically impossible for it to go off that quick. A staff member came rushing over to see what everyone was crowding around. The staff looked as if he was about to throw up, he started gagging violently as he got closer to the products. "This is disgusting, how can you put out rotten products?" My uncle screamed.

"It wasn't like this early sir," the man said as he picked up a mouldy apple and it practically disintegrated. What's going on? This is not normal. My uncle couldn't stand the smell anymore and neither could anyone else, so we headed to the check-out.

We were finally back, and I started to unload the car. Of course, uncle left me to carry all the bags. "You've got to be kidding me? I'm going to kill someone!" Uncle was screaming like a banshee.

"What's wrong?" I shouted as I dropped the bags then ran over and that's when I noticed it.

"Some bloody kids have killed my garden!" I looked at the front garden and it was black mush. All the flowers were dead; it looks as if someone has poured acid over them. My uncle was furious. He was screaming the street down. "If this was you or one of your friends, I'm not going to just kill them but I'm going to kill you as well." Uncle pushed me against the hood of the car. I could see the anger in his eyes.

"I don't have any friends and I can promise you this wasn't me."

"Just like you promised you didn't mess up your hair? My garden is ruined." My uncle's anger was fully unleashed, and it was released on me. He slammed my head against the hood of the car, and I fell to the ground. My wound was forced back open and blood came pouring out. "Get up you stupid girl." He said as he kicked my stomach. "Take the shopping in, make my dinner then go to your room. I'm going to go to the police in the morning. I need a drink." My uncle stormed off into the house and I was left led on the ground wincing in pain.

After a few minutes, I got up and had to suppress all of my pain and take the shopping in. It took three journeys just to carry in six small bags. I made uncle pizza then hobbled up to my room. For the third time, I stopped the bleeding then lifted up my jumper to check my stomach. There was a large black bruise forming but luckily nothing was broken. After many years of my uncle attacking me, I've learnt some medical things. I carefully got into bed. I couldn't be bothered to check if I had a concussion, I was too tired, and even if I did, I didn't care about slipping into a coma. It would be better than this.

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