Floor Three

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"Time for the horror of floor three." Aiden muttered, "I'm starting to enjoy these brief moments between floors before the next creature wants to come kill us."

"I've been thinking about what's going on and I think I have an idea," Luka said.

"Which is?" I asked.

"Well, I read a lot of books and..."

"Wait. You read a lot of books? Since when? I've never once seen you read a book and we've known each other for most of our lives, you're one of my closest friends. You're the guitar person, not the book nerd." Aiden interrupted.

"I read all the time." Luka stated.

"Even I've noticed him reading," I remarked.

"Me too," Raven added.

"Aiden you've never really been a good friend, we may have been close but what do you really know about me? Or Tom or any of the others for example. You've always been to self-obsessed to notice or even care," Luka shouted sounding a bit agitated.

"I know I was and I am really sorry but I promise if we make it out of here, I will be a much better friend. You're like a brother to me Luka and I've taken you for granted and been a baloney of a friend but you've still stuck by for god knows why but I'll make it up to you and become the best-est friend that ever existed." Aiden said almost crying. Luka went over to her and hugged her tightly. The end pf the whole has really changed Aiden and made her into a much better person, she's realised all of her mistakes and has grown. "So, what was your idea?" Aiden asked.

"Oh right. Have you guys heard of Dante's Inferno?"

"Yes." Me and Raven said in unison.

"No." Aiden said.

"Dante's Inferno is about the journey through hell and the nine circle's or levels of torment that Dante goes through, like the first circle is limbo and the second is lust. I think what's happening is similar."

"Why do you think that though?"

"There are nine floors and in Dante's Inferno the only way out is on the 9th floor through a door which for us is the dream gem. On each level instead of facing a sin we're living through one of Autumn's fears."

"My fears?"

"Why do you think they're to do with Autumn?"

"Because Autumn is terrified of spiders and snakes and they both seem to mainly swarm her. Plus, she's the only one who can destroy the dream gems so it's the devil trying to stop her." Luka said.

"It makes sense," I replied.

Once again, the lift came to a stop and the lift indicated floor three. "So, what else are you scared of Autumn?" Raven asked.

"I don't know, my mind has gone blank." I replied.

"Any chance it's got something to do with water?" Aiden asked.

"Oh yeah. I'm terrified of drowning. Why?"

"Because of the water dripping down the wall," Aiden stated as she pointed behind me and Raven. I turned around and water was running down the side of the water. "Couldn't have been scared of bunnies?" Aiden sarcastically said.

"Why would I be scared of bunnies?" I replied. Without warning, the water came gushing out of the panel in the lift's ceiling and quickly started filling the lift. "Crap. The creatures we could survive but this we can't. We're about to drown." Luka said scared.

"We need to figure out what stopped the creatures last time and then hopefully we can figure out how to get out of this," Raven.

"Maybe she has to overcome her fear or at least find a way to deal with it," Luka remarked.

"Why makes you think that?" I asked.

"Think about it. When the snakes were wrapping themselves around Autumn, she got panicked but after Raven calmed her down and assured her of her safety, the snakes vanished." Luka stated.

"With the spiders I distracted myself with a happy memory from when I was younger, I thought about when I was the leading a play and how after me and my parents went out to celebrate," I responded.

"Then that's what Autumn has to do. Simple." Aiden said and we all looked at her as if she was crazy.

"The water is rising fast and where we're all tall Autumn is only five foot four and the water is already passed her hips so how do you expect her especially to remain calm when she's close to drowning." Luka stated.

"We'll help her. We can do this." Raven said, hopeful. Raven may be hopeful but me not so much. I'm not good in stressful situations. I may be used to bad events happening, even ones where my life is being threatened, but it's Raven, Aiden and Luka that I'm worried about. I'm not the only that can die here. I need to protect them. This whole thing is my fault. The world has ended because of me. The devil is real because of me. People are dead because of me. All of this is my fault and I have to set things right. I have to fix things. The water was not slowing down. It was so full that I had to swim to keep by head above the water whereas the others could just stand on their tiptoes. "This lift is going to be full in a matter of minutes so Raven you sure you can calm Autumn?" Aiden asked.

"My parents are goth-hippies remember and used to make me meditate everyday so I've hopefully got this," Raven replied.

"You might wanna hurry though Rave," Aiden stated. The others were now having to swim up to the surface as well now.

"Okay. Um... tell us about that play," Raven said as quick as possible.

"Umm... I... was the lead. The play was... um... the Wizard of Oz..." I could barely get the words out I kept going under. There was a reason I'm scared of drowning and that's because of the fact I'm not a strong swimmer, I can only just about swim. "Tell us more," Raven said.

"Focus on that mem..." The lift was now completely full of water and everyone was forced under. I was trying to focus on the memory but was too panicked. I could see the others and the fear in their eyes. It's hard to focus on something when there's so much chaos going on around. I also had to focus on trying to focus on holding my breath. I focused on all the small details of that night of the play. My parents smile. The taste and smell of the greasy pizza. The sound of me and my family laughing. I focused on every little detail.

Suddenly, the water was gone and we all dropped the ground.  We all starting coughing up water and taking in deep breathes. Luckily, we were all completely dry again. I hate the feeling of wet clothes and wet hair sticking to me. Once again, the lift started moving.

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