Floor Two

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"Where have they all gone?" Aiden asked, confused.

"The lights only flickered off for a second, it's like they weren't really here." Raven responded.

"Well, they clearly were and the bruises around Autumn's neck proves that." Luka stated as he came over to me, "you okay?"

"I'm fine. I think. I hate snakes. They're one of my worst fears." I said as I felt a shiver go down.

"I strongly agree." Aiden laughed.

"Do you think it's the work of the devil?" Raven asked

"Must be but why did the snakes suddenly disappear," I wondered.

Once again, the lift came to a halt and the power went. The back-up lights kicked on. Luka tried opening the lift doors but they wouldn't budge. "We've stopped again but this time it says floor two," Raven pointed out.

"If more snakes appear then I'm taking my chances and climbing the cable," Aiden said.

"Worse!" I stated. Without warning, loads of spiders appeared and started dropping down from the ceiling and me, Aiden and Luka started freaking out. They were all different sizes and species. "There in my hair!" Aiden screamed at the top of her lungs and shaking loads and waving her hair about. They were crawling all over us. I could feel them crawling down my back and up my legs. I joined Aiden in screaming. Spiders were so creepy. They had way too many eyes and legs and if you look away for one second you've lost them. They're so ugly looking and creepy. A spider landed on Raven's shoulder and she calmly brushed it off. Of course, she's not scared of them. I swear that girl's not scared of anything. She's like the ultimate badass. She's like the female warrior you read about in books and hope to grow up to be like. "I think spiders are cute," Raven stated as the scooped the spiders carefully off her and put them on the floor,

"Of course, you would you freak," Aiden shouted.

"Oh, I'm the freak? Says the girl screaming like a banshee over a few tiny, harmless spiders. News flash they're more scared of you princess than you are of them." Raven snapped back.

"Well, I should squash all of them just like I should squash you," Aiden screeched.

"That's it..." Raven got ready to start throwing hands. I quickly stepped in front of Raven whilst Luka did the same for Aiden.

"Stop it! Both of you. I honestly don't know how you can find spiders cute as they're terrifying but that's your opinion. And Aiden, really? You wanna pick a fight now? You and Raven are friends." I shouted, I felt like a mum telling her kids off.

"I'm sorry." Aiden stated.

"I'm sorry," Raven responded.

"Good. Now let's focus on the spiders as I can feel them crawling all over my body and I think one's gone up my nose." They were all over my body and I hated it. I could feel every single one of my hairs stand up. I could feel as all of their long, hairy legs crawled all over my body. My uncle used to keep spiders when I was younger. One night he thought it'd be funny to make me watch Arachnophobia and then release his spiders in my room. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, turning over and there in my face was a giant spider. I screamed at the top of my lungs which woke my uncle. He went ballistic and beat the life out of me. Ever since that night I've been terrified of spiders. They started biting so we were constantly whacking them and flicking them off. "I don't see any poisonous ones so we'll be okay," Raven said which was reassuring.

"I hate spiders so much!" They were no longer covering everything else but are now completely covering me. I slammed my mouth shut so no spiders could crawl in. They're surrounding every inch of my body. I kept my eyes shut and covered my ears. The spiders were crawling all over me and biting wherever they could. "Autumn just keep still and they'll eventually just leave you alone. Spiders are more scared of you then you are of them." It was Luka this time which was ironic seeing as he's scared of spiders too. I tried to relax my body and focus on something else. The memory that popped into mind was from when I was a lot younger, back at my old school. I was in the school play and was play Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I remember performing and seeing how proud my parents were of me. After the play, we all went out for pizza and ice cream and had one of the best nights. It's one of my favourite memories. I kept focusing on that memory.

After a few minutes, I slowly opened my eyes and the spiders were all gone but the spider bites remained. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and off and the power restarted and once again the lift started moving.

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