Floor Seven

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The lights went, the power drained away and the sign flashed floor seven. We stood there for a few minutes but nothing happened. Nothing came to terrorise us. What's going on? We all looked at each other with confusion. The horror's usually here by now. I turned around and saw Aiden just stood there with a blank expression. "Aiden? You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Aiden answered but it didn't come from the Aiden I was looking at. The sound came from behind me. I turned to face the Aiden who spoke. I pointed at the blank faced Aiden. There's two Aiden's. The one who's been with us the whole-time wearing shorts and a tank who looks like she's been through the end of the world and the new one who looks like she just came from the salon and is wearing her cheerleading outfit. "It's me. How is that me?" Aiden screamed.

"There's two." Raven continued, "that's like my worst nightmare."

"It's Autumn's nightmare," Luka said.

"You're scared of me? Why are you scared of me?" Aiden said and none of us spoke we just looked at her. "Yeah, I just realised what I said. But you're more scared of me than drowning or being squished?"

"You may not have physically attacked me but you did mentally and it was most days," I replied.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Aiden stated and I could tell she's sincere. I didn't know how to answer.

"What the actual are you wearing?" Aiden number two laughed.

"What?" I asked, shocked. I looked down and I'm wearing shorts and another crop top my mum made me. There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing. "You look ridiculous." Fake Aiden kept laughing and pointing. "You look so stupid and fat. You're way too ugly to be wearing something like that and that hair is just horrendous." I didn't know what to say. I feel like I'm back before everything happened. I feel like I'm that weak girl who's too terrified to stand up to Aiden. I tried getting the words out. I tried telling her to shut up. I tried standing up to her. I just couldn't get the words out. It felt like something was stuck in my throat. Fake Aiden kept throwing nasty stuff at me and I got backed into a corner. She wouldn't stop. She just kept pummelling me with malicious words. I felt like crying. Aiden's always had a way with words, a way that made me feel like I was nothing and made me feel like everything she says is the truth. What can I do?

"Oi! Back off! You say one more word to her and I swear I'll rip your hair out!" It was our Aiden who shouted which highly shocked me.

"Excuse me?" Aiden two replied.

"Autumn looks amazing and she pulls that hair colour off very well. Also, she doesn't look fat or ugly at all so you can shut your mouth."

"Why are you defending freak season? We hate her."

"Because she's my friend. I don't hate her. I've gotten to know her really well and I've come to realise how amazing she is. She's not a freak in the anyway. She's kind and funny and caring. She's so beautiful inside and out. I regret everything I did to her. I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could go back and be friends with her like my dad said to. I wish I had more time to get to know her more as I think we could become really good friends with her. She's so much fun to be around. But now I'm gonna lose her and forget I was ever her friend which I really hate." Aiden continued but this time turned to me, "I'm really sorry how I treated you. I hate myself for it." Aiden started crying so I hugged her.

This time I knew exactly what to say, "I forgive you. I got to know you as well as you're not the psycho, self-centred douche I thought you were. Well completely." We both laughed. "I'm glad I got to know you and I'll happily ca you a friend."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. Autumn is the world's biggest freak. Just look at her," Aiden number two stated.

"Shut up you bit..." I shouted but then something weird and amazing happened. Our Aiden got right into nightmares Aiden's face and punched her right in the face causing her to drop to the floor.

"I told you to shut your mouth." Aiden shouted.

"Damn Aiden, nice right hook there." Luka laughed.

Suddenly, the fake Aiden vanished and the power came back. The lift started moving again. "I guess you managed to deal with your fear again," Raven stated.

"Not this time. I'm not scared of her anymore. She's my friend." I replied.

"I'm glad. I'm sorry I made you fear me," Aiden stated.

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