Chapter Seven

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We've been running for what felt like forever. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. I was in an empty place that stretched for miles. Everything was grey and there was a storm, that was getting worse by the minute. My dad was carrying Tommy up in front and I was close behind helping my mum along. We were running faster than we've ever ran before. Tommy was crying his eyes out and I was doing my best to stay strong and keep back the tears. These creatures called hardlings were chasing us and had murder on their minds. Hardlings are wolf-like creatures that look like they're made from black smoke. They had fiery green eyes and razor-sharp teeth. A hardling could kill you with one bite due to their venom. When you get bit by one of them you become violent and start attacking those around then soon after you start having a seizure and die within minutes. It's a long and painful process so when someone gets bit, it's best to kill them quick, to help them and those around. Unfortunately, the hardlings were the least of our problems. There was something far worse than a group of hardlings after us and that's the devil himself. The devil was a soul sucking demon that drains happiness and eats hearts. With the hardlings you had a small chance of escaping but when it came to the devil you may as well say goodbye to the world. He's in charge of the hardlings and even they're terrified of him. The devil had dark purple skin, grey horns, three firey green eyes and six arms.

We reached a dead end. There's nowhere to go. We had no weapons and no way to escape. I looked at my family, I could see the fear on their faces. The hardlings were only meters away from us. This was it. I'm going to have to watch my family die again. The hardlings surrounded my family. They screamed for help. The devil backed me into a corner, and I was forced to look into his eyes. A hardling scratched my mum's arm. "Leave them alone!" I cried. The devil looked at me and laughed at my pain. He clicked his fingers and the hardlings went in for the kill. "I will save you!" I screamed even though I knew there was nothing I could do. And just like that they all vanished, and I was all alone.

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