Floor One

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Suddenly, the lift jolted to a holt and the light started flickering on and off. The emergency lights kicked on and they had a reddish tint to them. "We can't have reached the top yet?" Luka questioned.

"The lift says floor one," Raven answered.

"So, what's going on?" I pressed the lift button repeatedly but the lift wouldn't start moving. Were we stuck? Is this the devil's way of trying to keep us out? Aiden pressed the alarm but it didn't do anything. I don't even know why she thought that would've worked and even if it did, it's not like anyone can come rescue us. "Now what?" Aiden complained.

"Not a clue."

"We could always climb the cable," Aiden laughed. No one responded. We all just stared at her. Frozen. "I was only joking guys." Still, none of us answered. We couldn't stop staring. "What? Is there something on my face? Why you all looking at me like that?"

"Aiden... don't move. Whatever you do don't move?" Raven said quietly, trying to remain calm but we could all tell she was freaking out inside.

"What is it?" Now Aiden was frozen to. A large snake lowered itself from a panel in the ceiling and was now centimetres away from Aiden's shoulder. It dropped itself onto Aiden and started to slither its way down her body. Where the actual did a snake come from? "It's a black rat snake, it's not venomous so you'll be okay. Move slowly over here away from the snake." Raven said. Aiden went to start moving but then I screamed to stop. Just as she was about to step, I had looked down and noticed the floor was now covered in all different types of snakes. I hate snacks. They're gross and slimy and poisonous and they can swallow things a lot bigger them in one go. I could feel a snake slowly slithering up my leg and it felt disgusting. Aiden was freaking out and screaming, "get these gross creatures off me!" I can't believe I'm about to say this but I agree with Aiden. The snakes were everything. They covered the floor. They're dropping off the ceiling. Worst of all, they were crawling all over us. "I can't see any venomous ones so we'll be okay as long as no one makes any sudden moves," Raven stated.

"As calming as that it, that doesn't solve this." I said agitated and scared.

"Why do you know so much about snakes?" Luka asked.

"My grandad worked in the reptilian part of the city zoo and I used to spend a lot of time there," Raven replied.

"That's pretty cool actually," Aiden said quietly. The snakes were climbing up my legs and slowly wrapping themselves around me. I hate snakes. They scare the life out of me. The snakes were now very close to my face. I couldn't breathe. I was freaking out and starting to panic. A gigantic snake had slithered its way up my body and decided to wrap it's slimy body around my neck and was getting tighter by the minute. Luka rushed over to me concerned and tried to pull the snake off me which ended up back-lashing and causing the snake to tighten. "Stop! You'll make it angrier and it will only get tighter. Get back." Raven ordered. Luka slowly stepped back and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"What do we do? It's going to kill her." Luka said worryingly.

"Autumn listen. I know this is going to be hard but you need to remain completely still and calm. Can you do that for me?" I went to say yes to Raven when the snake got tighter causing me to panic even more. I couldn't breathe and my chest started to tighten. It felt like I was having a panic attack. "Autumn listen to me you need to relax. Everything will be okay. Just keep calm."

"You can do this Autumn." It was Aiden this time. I took a deep breath and tried to relax my body and un-tense all my muscles. I kept my focus on my breathing and not on the hundreds of snakes swarming around me. All of the snakes covering my body slowly released their grip.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on and off and the power restarted and we could feel the lift moving again. I looked down and all the snakes had vanished. I didn't just imagine that that was real. What is happening? Is this the work of the devil?

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