The One with The Big Party- Part 1

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Chapter 2

The One with The Big Party

"I can't believe I'm doing this for a guy," I groaned, finishing my hair. My hair was in classic curls trailing to my ribs, my make-up classic and my eyelashes dramatic, the only thing out-of place was my bright red lipstick to continue with the classic look. My dress was short and tight and a red silk, with a classy design and one sleeve with silver designs near the shoulder with the sleeve. Grabbing a sparkly black clutch and sliding my Samsung Note 2 in it, I put on silver heals and slid comfy ballet flats in the clutch, too, sliding out of the dorm.

"What are you doing, all dressed up?" My roommate, Karyn, inquired. I didn't like her at all. She was annoying and obnoxious and a prep and looked a lot like Jordyn Weiber. Except Karyn's nose humongous.


"Really? There's no really good ones."

"Really?" A smirk lit my face... She was always mocking my 'American Accent', and my lack of 'fun' because I studied instead of partied. "Try... Simon Cowell's fifty-third birthday."

"What?!? Shut-up!" She sat up on her bed and was much more attentive. "No! You're lying!"

"Nope..." I waved the invitation about, to prove that I wasn't playing around. "Got it."

"No way!" She jumped up and grabbed the invite. "Can you take me?"

"Nope. I'm a party crasher." I grabbed my car keys. "See ya."

"But-" I slammed the door, heading out.

I was ready to party, for the first time in my life. Adrenaline was pulsing through my veins... I felt exhilarated. Naughty.

I drove to the club, tons of paparazzi swarming the entrance, taking pictures, not paying any attention to a nobody who managed to swipe a ticket. I entered the club, seeing a bouncer, one with a long line. I glided past the long line to the front.

"Hey, Princess," A guy snapped. "There's a line!"

"Hun," I waved my invitation. "I'm aware. And I'm also aware that I have an invitation, so..." I went to the front and showed him the invite. He studied it, knowing it's authenticity, and gave me two bracelets to enter the party.

It was an actual bracelet, silver. I saw it had Tiffany engraved on the inside. It was a chain bracelet, which probably meant I could get charms for it. The other was also Tiffany and bore the initials KRC in a fancy font. Luckily, the real Kaesandra and I shared the same initials.

The speakers were vibrating roughly throughout the whole entire place. Lights were dim and there was a huge window to reveal a beautiful red sunset throughout London. People were dressed just like me, some more plain, some more ostentatious, but I'm just glad I fit in... Somewhat. I glided through the people to the window, staring at the beauty.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A British accent asked. I whipped my head around to see a familiar face.

I immediately recognized it to be Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, with his neat hair cut and deep blue eyes, and his cute smile. I just nodded, looking back out the window.

I was secretly jumping inside... I didn't really care much for One Direction, but he was famous! I would be seeing famous people all night... I had to keep my cool before one kicked me out.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"Kaessandra, or Kaessie." I shook his hand.

"I'm not gonna get a last name?" I shook my head no.

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