The One where Everybody Talks

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Chapter 26

The One where Everybody Talks

Kiam Payman: Liam Payne Confesses 'Real.'

It's not a shock to anyone that these two lovebirds have come out today holding hands and acting all lovey-dovey, and when paparazzi asked if Liam and Kaessie were dating, Liam replied with a smile on his face while sliding his arm around Kaessie, "Hm, I dunno, whad'ya think, Love?"

Kaessie, in response, blushed, and buried her head into her lover's chest, who—like any good boyfriend—shield her away from prying hands and bright flashes of cameras.

When another paparazzi asked if they were dating, with a nearby Kamryn Mitchell and Harry Styles, they nodded in response and said "Obviously."

Later, when Liam was asked if what Harry and Kamryn had claimed was real or fake, he nodded and said simply "Real."

So, there you have it, Directioners. The world's best 'ship finally coming true. Leave comments below!

And with that one article, Liam's and my twitter completely and utterly exploded more than Layla exploded when she met Harry. Most everyone was supportive, giving nice comments such as;

Liam_Payne_luvr266684: YESSSSSSSS KIAM!


ElounorShipper772345671: yes i mean her and Elle need 2 have a double wedding lyk rite now and have Kiam babies yes yes yes.

Directioner007: @ ElounorShipper772345671 just shut up. They haven't even dated a week yet... But... #Kiam

And then...

There was LarryStylinson856383.

LarryStylinson856383: No I hate Kiam Liam belongs w/ Danielle #DiamPaynzer5evr

Directioners did not like LarryStylinson856383 very much.

Directioner007: @LarryStylinson856383 Shut up. No one 'ships Diam anymore. #Kiam is where it's at, yo.

Diam/Paynzer: KIAM. YES. KIAM>>Diam. @LarryStylinson856383, you do realize that Kaessie and Liam are 2gether like, 8evr, right?

When Liam saw the bickering, he sighed and rolled his eyes, deciding to try to end the feud between the two.

Real_Liam_Payne: @LarryStylinson856383 I shipppp #Kiam..

Kaessie_Chapman Retweeted @Real_Liam_Payne ^^^True dat

Well, you think that the girl would be fangirling over Liam Payne tweeting her, but she still didn't like us very much.

LarryStylinson856383: @Kaessie_Chapman its only a mttr of time b4 Liam breaks up with u 4 Dani again Dani ily.

The comment really pretty much completely ticked me off, so I got on my twitter and took things into my own hands.

Kaessie_Chapman: It's only a matter of time before you get tons of haters, "Liam, ily."

Louis must have been watching the whole thing, because I later got a notification that Louis had mentioned me in a tweet.

Louis_Tomlinson: I just lost my title as SassMaster..

Being my uber nice self, I tweeted back, deciding as long as I'm being sassy, I might as well do it thoroughly.

Kaessie_Chapman: Good. Now go make me a sandwich, peasant. (Cheesy Bieber hairflip.) @Louis_Tomlinson

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