Epilogue- 20 years later

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*Twenty Years Later*

*Okay twenty is a lot more than most but I wanted to make the kids old enough I could play around with relationships and stuff*


"William James, stop hitting your little sister!" Liam scolded our eldest son. William—or Will, for short, was eighteen years old and a spitting image of Liam. William looked over at me with his puppy-dog brown eyes and I shook my head at him.

"Listen to your father, Will. You maybe eighteen but you and your sister still bicker like you're eight!"

"Forever mean to me, mum," He sighs, but drops his hands from his sister's shoulders. His sister, Abigail, was a mix of Liam and I, with Liams caramel hair but my features, her eyes my amber and her face almost the same as mine. When she thought we weren't looking, she stuck her tongue out at Will, and Liam and I sighed at each other, him wrapping his arm around my waist.

William—who I had two years after Liam and I got married—basically hated Abigail the second she entered the world and spit up on his customized batman shirt that Liam bought him that day for being a big brother. They always bickered when they were little, over everything. No joke, they went to extreme lengths to get on each others nerves, William as going as far as stealing Abigail's barbie dolls and Abi used to snap Will's video game CD's in half during their fights. However, no matter how much they bickered, they still loved each other, and William was perhaps the most over-protective brother anyone will ever meet.

"If you guys don't start getting along, I'll just tell everyone not to come-" I begin, teasing my kids. But Abigail was quick to perk up and threw her arms around her brother, giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

"No!" She quickly protested. "Don't do that! I wanna see Lou and all them!"

"Then behave," I warn. However, William shoved her off of him, and she shot him a dirty look.

"Dammit, Abigail, if I wanted pest on me I would have rolled around in a pit of bugs!" He wiped her kiss of his cheek and sent her a devious smirk.

"No need, really. You have loads of bugs all over you, crawling in your hair and your pants-"

"Will they ever get along?" Liam asks, and I snort.

"They couldn't be more opposite if they lived in the poles." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and the door opens behind us, and I see Louis' oldest son—who's William's age—walk in with a bunch of bags.

"Hello, Payne clan!" He dropped his bags and stretched.

"Nice to see you too, Little Lou," I say sarcastically.

"I know, right? Where's Ky?"

"Dance class, she should be here any moment-"

"Why didn't I know that Uncle Lou and Aunt Eleanor were coming over- Louis!" Kyla walked through the door Lou just did, her eyes catching his. Kyla was tall, five foot nine, and had long bronze hair like mine. Her build was the perfect dancers body and she was well on her way to becoming a professional.

"Kyla!" Louis exclaims, checking her out. Louis and Kyla have had crushes on each other since they were old enough to know the term, but they were completely oblivious to it. Kind of reminds me of someone else...

Louis picks her up and swings in her in a circle Abigail looking over at her sister with envy in her eyes. Abigail sorta had a thing for Little Louis, but not as much as someone else had for her...

"Hey, hands off my sister, Little Tomlinson," William warns, but Louis Jr. ignores him and continues to look at Kyla admirably.

"Aunt Kaessie!" My oldest 'niece,' Amie, walks in. She was Evelyn's daughter she had with Tom Daley, and she was now twenty two and going to school to be a doctor. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug. Amie was the stereotypical version of gorgeous, with Tom's tan skin and blue eyes but Evelyn's long wavy brunette tresses and petite body. But let me tell you, that woman is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met.

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