Epilogue- The One with The First Good-Bye

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The One with The First Good-bye

Eleanor gave a light cry and buried her head into Louis' chest. Perrie gave Zayn a sad smile and gave him a peck on the cheek. The sad part of their relationship was that they were used to the distance. Kamryn gave Harry a nervous look, gripping his hand tighter. Layla slid her head on Niall's shoulder, and Evi just looked upset to see all her friends so upset. Tom put his head on her shoulder, and she kissed his cheek.

Liam and I, however, were in our own little corner of the airport, now mid-March. He was about to start his American Leg of the tour, and the distance was hitting us hard enough with the European.

"I don't like sharing," I teased. "Especially with probably more than half the female teenage population of the world."

"Well, luckily for you, I don't like sharing, either. It was never one of my strong points in school. Henceforth, I'll stay committed to you." He wrapped his arms around my waist and planted kisses on my cheeks. I looked at the ground, trying not to cry, but saw his suitcase there, all packed and ready to go... Without me-

"Hey, think I can fit in there?" He chortled.

"We can try!" I buried my head in his neck, and he pulled me as close as he could. "You've got uni. You just got caught up in credits."

"I know." I pouted. "I'll try to come over spring break, and memorial day over at the states, and during the fourth of July, Liam, it's so beautiful over there at that time, you've got to see it-"

"Kaessie, you're babbling." I blushed. "You're so cute when you blush."

"I'm gonna miss you, Liam." I bore my eyes into his perfect puppy-dog brown orbs.

"I'm gonna miss you more, Kaess."


"I don't think so." He started to kiss at my neck, laughter erupting from my mouth.

"Liam, stop!" I playful slapped him. "You know what they say... Distance makes the heart grow fonder!"

"My heart is already quite fond of you, thank you very much. Quite too fond, actually."

"I love you, Liam." I saw his own eyes begin to water, but he just hugged me so I wouldn't see in response.

"Love you more, Kaess." He slid his hand in mine and we walked over to the Starbucks vender in the airport. Liam took his luggage to the side and rummaged for some change, and I stayed, playing with my hair, my heart already yearning for him and he hasn't even left yet.

"Hey, good lookin', are you tookin'?" Some guy approached me and leaned against the counter top. He was tall and had blonde hair, blue eyes. I rolled my eyes and looked the other way.

"You're grammar is quite atrocious, don't you think?"

"Don't be like that-"

"Listen, I'd be interested if you weren't a creep. And if I wasn't already 'tookin.''"

"Ouch. C'mon... I'm Davis-" He went for my hand but slid his hand up my leg instead. I slapped him.

"Leave me alone-"

"And I'm her boyfriend," Liam perked up, pulling me towards his chest. The creep gave Liam a dirty look.

"And I guess I'll just be leaving then-"

"Yeah. We'd all like that." The guy left and Liam stroked my cheek.

"Can't leave you alone for two seconds without some guy trying to take you, huh?"

"Apparently." I rolled my eyes at him and he kissed the top of my head, grabbing a coffee and heading towards the terminal.

"Don't go," I whined slightly.

"I want to go, but I don't want to leave you." He gave me another kiss on the cheek.

"C'mon, boys!" Paul rounded them all up. "We've delayed this as long as we possibly can, let's go!" Liam pouted and held me closer.

"Love you," He stroked my face, and a single tear managed to slither down my face. He wiped it off casually.

"I know. I love you too."

"I'll see you soon, alright? Maybe I'll facetime you if I can." I nodded, hugging him as close as I could to me, as if that would make him stay any longer.

"C'mon, Liam!"

"Bye, Kaess." He gave me a long, passionate kiss goodbye, and was forced off of me by a passing Louis who bear-hugged him and dragged him away. "Love you!"

"Love you, too!" I called back, watching him disappear from my sight. My heart ached for him already.

"You know what they say," Evi begins, stroking her baby bump of a stomach. "If you love them set them free, if they come back it's meant to be..."

"Well... He's already like a puppy dog to everyone so that's sort of a bad analogy, but..." She laughed, and I put my head on her shoulder. Ryni hugged me from behind and Layla came to my other side and gave me a side-hug.

"Things will change after this, do ya think?" Layla asked. I shrugged.

"I dunno... Lay. I don't think so. I mean, they'll just come back home... Right?" They all shrugged along with me, and I stared at the last place I saw my perfect boyfriend.

What I didn't know at that time, though, is maybe he wasn't so perfect, after all. Or maybe, that's just us.

And I won't find this out until seven months.

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