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((Decided to add this dude :) Twitter Art by Seratonnn))

((Decided to add this dude :) Twitter Art by Seratonnn))

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Literal God Himself in this world

Personality: can be childish and funny sometimes but also be very  protective, can be very serious when needed to be and is aware of practically everything going on or may come in the near future

- friends with George & Kristin(as Kristin is death. So they've spoke a lot)
- acquaintances with Phil & Techno(only met them once or twice. When they tried going to The End as a joke)
- doesn't necessarily like dream very much
- wants to protect George from any harm that may come his way
- knows foolish and doesn't like him much either but does respects him( as he doesn't see foolish as a bad person but the two have argued a couple times)
- is fully aware that Karl is a time traveler (and as a Headcanon for now I like to think he is the one leaving those books in the inbetween for Karl. I have this as a Headcanon until we actually know who is leaving them for Karl so I thought this would be a fun Headcanon)


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