Techno & Michael(ft.Phil)

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Michael:grandpa Phil!! I made up a song with techno! It's of all the places he's not allowed to go to anymore

Phil:okay show me then

Techno:*claps along as Michael sings*

Michael:what are the places where techno can't go? L'manberg, pogtopia and Snow Chester!!


Michael:there's~...3 more places where techno can't be! Kinoko kingdom, church prime and eggpire!!

Phil:oh wow

Techno:*does a little jazz hands as he smiles a little and sang a little*im also not welcome in Las Nevadas~~!!*clears throat*plus more places probably that I'm too lazy to say

Phil: how many places are not allowed into?!

Techno:too many unless I wanna be arrested and put in jail*grins*

Phil:you concern me

Techno:same back to you mister more violent than me

((Did I just use the song thing from the show Sam & Cat when Cat made up a song about the places Sam couldn't go? Yes yes I did, I thought it would fit techno. I was gonna do l'manberg, manberg and snow Chester first but manberg really isn't a place and was formed back into l'manberg at the time so I used pogtopia and added kinoko kingdom in there anyway to be more funny. Though yes I know pogtopia was kinda abandoned and l'manberg is no more. I still thought it would be funny))


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