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(Left Outside Alone - Anastacia/Choke - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME)

~Never trust anyone too much in this world, even your shadow leaves you in darkness. - Ken Kaneki~

In Pain-sama's office were Deidara and Sasori. They looked exhausted. I had to hold myself back from laughing. Their faces were stained. On their body were a few wounds, nothing severe. "What the hell happened to you guys?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. They turned around after I entered. One more annoyed than the other. Me being amused by their suffering made it even worse. "This brat is pure evil." Deidara muttered. "She told him: "Even the art of wood carving is more exciting then your dumbass art.". She put him under a genjutsu." Sasori told us. There was a big smile on my face. "How comes you are back so early?" I wondered, somewhat coming off as if I judged them. "I have to repair my puppets. We didn't have any money left, since Deidara spent it all." The puppet answered, glaring at blondie.

Pain didn't want to risk a potential fight. Therefore he dismissed Deidara and Sasori. Afterwards, sending off Itachi, Kisame and me. It was our turn to capture the kid. A fourteen year old child.

 A fourteen year old child

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3rd person

Once again, the mission had failed. They came back with empty hands. Just as exhausted as the ones who tried before them. Kisame's body was covered with bruises and cuts. Itachi on the other hand seemed barely harmed. In the end he was as done with life like his partner. This damn kid was untouchable. She tricked them so often. She made them feel stupid.

Their Leader was scolding them, until he noticed something. There was no talking back. "Where is Y/n?" While he didn't show it, Pain was worried. Not worried about her safety. Worried about her not coming back. "She was still with us on our way here." Kisame said. He was worried too. Unlike his boss, he was concered about her well being. Itachi nodded, agreeing with Kisame's statement.

The door opened. "I have the kid!" A completly unharmed Y/n bursted into the office. All of them turned. No one could believe her. The woman at the door noticed the looks she received. Then she pulled a smaller person towards her. So they would be able to see her.  The kid was enjoying onigiris. She looked a bit surprised. "Oh! Shark guy! Handsome guy!" she said, gulping down the food. Kisame wasn't happy by this. His hand wandered up to his sword. "Are you trying to insult-" Y/n quickly interrupted him. "Let's not kill children, alright? Aiko-chan-" She looked down at the child in front of her. "Show some respect, will you?" 

"Of course, Lady Y/n. My apologies...." She didn't know his name. Looking a bit helpless, her head turned to the woman standing behind her. "Kisame." Y/n whispered. "Sorry Kisame-san." Aiko apologized with a sweet smile. "But I still think shark guy sounds better." She added, quietly.

"How?" That was all Kisame could think about.


Y/n pov

I saw the kid we should recruit, sitting on the ground, bandaging a wound on her hand. Her headband was the same as mine. I jumped down from the tree, landing in front of her. Out of suprise she threw a kunai at me. With ease, I dodged it. My hands went upwards. "I value peace. No need to attack me." I told her as she pulled out another kunai. "What the-? I couldn't sense the chakra." She mumbled to herself in utter shock. "Don't worry. It's hard to sense my chakra. You need to be..." Silence followed as I thought. "Let's say special, to sense me." My words made her look up to me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked pulling out a box of onigiris. The child thought for a second, ending up nodding. I threw the food to her. She smelled it after opening it. "It's not poisoned." Me informing her was unnecessary. "I know, I can smell it." she said as she took one out. I was a little amazed, since I only knew one clan, whose members were able to smell poison.

Her eyes widened as she bit in the onigiri, "Holy shit. This is so good!" With that she started to eat faster than before. "Don't eat so fast or you'll choke." I told her, she just looked at me. Her eye colour flickered. The green in her eyes changed to red for a good second. The kid was sensing my chakra. Suddenly she was more terrified, seemingly being more careful. She slowed down. 

"Can I sit down?" I asked. She nodded. "What's your name, kid?" My curiosity grew. "Aiko." She kept it short, too busy with eating. "Do you have a last name?" It took her a few minutes, until she found a answer. Maybe she was unsure about whether she had one or not. Maybe she didn't know if she could trust me with such informations. "I was raised as a L/n. But they said I'm not a real one... Or something like that." Aiko rolled her eyes towards the end. 

Of course. I was right. "I'm Uzumaki Y/n." I introduced myself. The child next to me looked at me. She was surprised, shocked even. "I knew it! You are the God of the L/n's." She exclaimed. "Still working on that one." I mumbled. Aiko didn't seem to hear me. She just continued to look at me with a bright smile. "You're the coolest person I know! I heard so many stories about you!" Her words made me smile. "You're so cute!"

Dropping my smile, I became more serious. "I'm here to recruit you, Aiko." She tilted her head, being somewhat confused. I picked up on her confusion rather quick. After the explanation, she thought about my words, acting as if she had a choice. "So... I'll be able to eat your food everyday?" Aiko raised her eyebrows. Then she smiled. "I'm in."


"Good. You didn't fail." Pain spoke, glaring at the child on my right. "The three of you are dismissed. Aiko-san stays." The way he said "Aiko-san" seemed threatening. "Hm. Fine." I spoke as my leader's eyes fell on me. He frowned, wondering what my problem was.

The three of us were now walking towards my room, so I could treat their wounds. I took my cloak off as I entered the room. Both of them sat down. Kisame was first due to the amount of wound he had. "Do you guys know, if we have a laboratory or something like that?" I asked. I had an idea. An idea which would help us out. A lot. "I believe so. Orochimaru-san used to work in one." Itachi answered my question. "What means I need to clean." I mumbled, thinking about how I could avoid cleaning. 


Aiko was getting introduced as our brand new member. "Children are a waste of money. This is a bad idea." Kakuzu spoke, I walked behind Aiko, who was standing next to Konan. "Kakuzu-san, please look at her. How can you not be glad to spend money on such a cute girl." I told him as he just mumbled ununderstandable things. "Not to forget that Deidara is a kid too." I added. These two were only one year apart. "She's not cute! She is the devil." Deidara disagreed with me. Aiko glared at him. She was about to open her mouth, but I chose to stop her. "Stop insulting each other."  Their mad expressions turned into fearful ones. "My apologies." Deidara apologized first. "I guess, I'm also sorry. Your art isn't too bad. It's... Nice." Aiko spoke. "How lovely." I sighed in relief.

"Itachi-san, Y/n-san. I have to talk with you. The others can leave." Pain said. He continued after everyone left. "I want you to go on a mission with Aiko-san. We need more knowledge about her capability. Also, Y/n-san, I need you to teach her. Another healer would be quite handy." Both of us nodded. "May we rob the village hidden in the blood. They have some important documents." I requested. Said documents had informations about my abilities, which could help me out. "As long as it's helpful for our goal."

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