Part 1: Chapter 3

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Will strode purposely toward the large mansion her twin blades readyed in her hands. A Voltaris walked towards her, his arms extended towards her in a welcoming fashion

"Willow" called The Voltaris "what important matters bring you to my humble home?"

"Cut the chitchat, you said you have some weapons I could try out" demanded Will

"Yes" said The Ardoni as he pulled out a diamond knife, a black bow, an enchanted staff with hooks on each end, and an enchanted iron sword "Most of these are from the finest craftsman in all of Ardonia"

"And pray tell how did you get your hands on them?"

"The only way, I stole them"

"Oh Decon, will you ever learn?"

Decon smiled sheepishly "Probably not, but it isn't like you haven't done anything illegal. Do you want to try out any of the weapons or shall I return them?"

Will picked up the enchanted staff "do you know what this is enchanted with?"

"No idea"

Will twirled the staff, Decon drew his iron sword "want to try it out against me?"

"No" Will layed the staff back down "I'm not a very big staff girl"

"Do you like any of the weapons?"

"The sword, but it doesn't have a twin"

"Well I have no use for these, nor can I keep them for fear of someone finding out who stole them, so if you have any friends who might like them take them"

"Sparks may like the knife, I'll ask her if she needs an upgrade"


"She's a friend" said Will as she pocketed the knife and waved good bye


Sparks fliped through the pages of the book Will gave her, so far it had yielded little help. She groaned, she had already read over a thousand pages and hadn't even read half of the book; the book mainly just contained storys of people who could wild a power called the 'Ender/Nether Magic' It was just a book of children's tales. Sparks layed the good down on the ground, threw her hood over her head, and left her cave walking towards Nazgard; she walked past the throne room and saw Queen Abbigal talking to Vulcannus again

"Just let me look around" pleaded Abbigal 

Vulcannus paced around the room his hands clasped behind his back "I cannot in right conscience"

"If you continue to refuse the Ardoni Council will send an army to investigate"

Vulcannus stopped abruptly "What?! I thought the Ardoni Council did not believe these rumors, what changed?"

"Since you continued to refuse they decided you were hiding something" Abbigal laid her hand on Vulcannus' shoulder "Are you hiding something?"

"Perhaps Queen Abbigal I have been withholding information on a few...protesters who believe I am a weak king; and these protesters may have assembled a few 'elite task forces'. I request you do not inform the Ardoni Council of this"


"They already believe I am a weak king, this would do nothing but further their assumptions"

"I will tell them enough to ease their minds"

"Thank you Queen Abbigal. If that is all I have to ask you to leave, unless you would like to stay for dinner?" Asked Vulcannus hopefully

Abbigal mounted Luna "I probably should be leaving to report to the Ardoni Council before they decide you kidnapped me"

Vulcannus chuckled "Yes, we would not want them thinking that"

Luna flew off through a large Netherportal. Sparks snarled under her breath; so this was the excuse The Netherking came up with

"May I help you?" Questioned a voice from behind Sparks

Sparks spun around, Vulcannus stood his eyes riveted to the book in his hands

"You!" Cried Sparks

"Is there anything wrong with me?" He asked

"I...I...why are you here?"

"This is my realm; a better question is, why are you here?"

"I...uh...I thought The Nether was open for tourism"

"The real reason Sparks, are you still trying to get me into trouble?"

"What else would I be doing here?"

"Perhaps here to take me up on my offer?"

"With a Netharin like you?! Never!"

"Sparks...I am sorry, I was a young idiot"

"And now you're an old idiot"

"No, I'm still young; and to be fair I was not trying to hurt them, just the opposite actually"

"Says you, but you have no proof"


"Just save it, why don't you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of?!"

Vulcannus sighed sadly "Well then, I hope you will accept this" he held out a large wooden chest

"I don't want anything from you!" Shouted Sparks venomously

"It is not from me, I was told to give it to you"

"By whom?"

"Who else? They gave it to me before they died"

Sparks took the box cautiously "If this is a trick I will personally see to your execution!"

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