Part 1: Chapter 28

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A hushed voice penetrated my foggy mind, urging me to calm down. I tried to sit up but I hurt too much. I was vaguely aware of someone pushing me down

"Hey easy, you don't want to harm yourself more then you already are" said A barely audible voice

I tried to sit up again and almost screamed in pain

"Did you not hear me?! You shouldn't try to move"

"But..." I protested

"No buts go back to sleep"


I tried to sit up again but a feeling of dizziness washed over me causing me to black out


Voices, many voices. Always questioning, always critiquing

I leaned against a wall viewing the crowded cave from a shadowy corner with disdain; people, they always asked too many questions, and I hate questions, especially those directed towards me

The blue haired Felina, Keira, approached me. I shrank farther into the shadows, hoping beyond hope she was approaching someone else nearby. I looked around and groaned, no one else was nearly

"Hey Xaria" called Keira

I shrank back even farther pulling my hood over my head

"Xaria, what are you doing back here?"

"I was know..." I stuttered

"I know what? You should be interacting with humans"

"I don't like humans"

"Uhh...aren't you a human?"


"Then what are you?"

"A very annoyed human"

Keira stepped closer, too close. I tried to step back more but there was a wall behind me. She seemed to notice my discomfort and backed up a bit giving me more space

"Well Ria wanted me to tell you she wants to see you"


Keira shrugged "no clue, but we should be going"

Keira began walking away, assuming I was actually following; I hesitantly walked after her

People, man do I hate people

As I passed through the crowed cavern, I heard many people question my attire. Sure I like black cloaks and that's a little unusual but come on people; I am not that I?

Lost in my musings I failed to realise Keira had managed to completely lose me in the crowd. The irony of it all, normally I, I was the one who was heavily relied upon so we never did get lost

Someone tapped on my shoulder causing me to jump slightly. I turned around half expecting Keira, but it wasn't, it was her

She flicked her black hair out of her face as her icy glare met mine

"Funny seeing you here Xaria" she purred

I scowled at her for a moment before speaking "Miver"

"And what are you doing here, spying?"


"Then what?"

"Believe it or not I was actually recruited"

"I'll stick with not believing"

"I thought you would"

"I bet you can't prove you aren't lying"

"I can, just ask the Felina Keira"



Miver snickered "since when did you bother learning anyone's name?"

"Yeah, well be amazed I'm not as heartless as everyone thinks"

"Could of fooled me. But then again I didn't try to take over Felden"

"Leave that out of this!"

Miver snickered again, man do I hate it when she snickers, it always means she knows I really have no clue what I'm attempting to do...and I really don't

"You are so funny when you're frustrated at me" she taunted

"Who said I was frustrated?"

"Everyone can tell, you can't hide frustration to save a soul"

"Yes I can!"

Miver rolled her eyes and stepped forwards. I instinctively stepped back. We glared at each other for a second when Keira stepped in between us

"Xaria, what happened to you?" Asked Keira

I scratched the back of my head nervously "I just got lost"

Miver grinned "you lost, I didn't know it was possible"

"Get lost" growled Keira

Miver's grin widened "you have girls defending you now Xaria? I thought you of all people wouldn't"

"I said get lost!"

"Fine, but I'm warning you now; keep away from Xaria, he's not the type innocent little cats like you would want to hang around"

"Great I'll keep that in mind"

Miver walked away chuckling to herself leaving me and Keira

"Well uh...thanks for that...I guess" I muttered, trying to look anywhere but her eyes

"No problem" she assured "but who was she?"

"Uhh...just an old associate who really doesn't like me"

"I can tell, anyways; Ria is still waiting for you"


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