Part 1: Chapter 21

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"And they're back" said Decon as Sparks and Virdencen exited the orange haze that surrounded them

"Good" grumbled Keira "maybe you guys can convince Vulcannus to remain in bed"

Virdencen nodded faintly then stumbled into Keira's back room, Sparks followed her

"Hey Vird, are you ok?" Asked Sparks

Virdencen sat down in the ground and leaned against a box wearily "yes Sparks, I am fine; I am just tired"


"Because traveling through sub dimensions is stressful, and it makes me think of happier times"

"Happier times?"

"Yes, A time where I did not have The Shadow Reaper to deal with, and I was with my... Never mind"

"Your what?"

Virdencen closed her eyes "I would rather not speak of him"

Sparks nodded "so, Vulcannus gave me a box about a month ago, he said it was from my parents, but they never gave it to him. Was he lying?"

"No, he and I went to another sub dimension and the spoke to your parents; they gave him the box then"

"Then why didn't you just bring them back? I needed my parents"

"It does not work like that, you cannot bring people back from a different sub dimension. And besides they ended up dying again"

"What?! You let my parents die twice?!"

"It was not without a fight, they refused to leave"

"Why didn't you make them?"

"I has Vulcannus to take care if, and her nearly died anyways. I still do not think he ever fully recovered... Not after..."

"After what?"

"You know I wield strange powers, well those powers are known as The Ender/Nether magic"

"And what does this have to do with Vulcannus?"

"You will fine out. This magic is a combination of two other magics; the Ender magic, and the Nether magic. Before my home was destroyed, it was common for the creatures of the End to wield the Ender magic, and the creatures of the Nether to wield the Nether magic"


"It is still fairly common to see the Ender magic in use among the Ender creatures"

"What do you mean?"

"The Ender magics main focus is teleporting"

"Is that why you can teleport?"

"Yes, but my life has severely weakened my body so that even teleporting for a short period off time is stressful. You may have noticed Skorch is not teleporting much"

"I was wondering about that"

"The gave up is immortality to come live in the Overworld, so he now has limited energy and cannot teleport without getting tired"


If you run for an hour you get tired right?"

"I get tired after 10 minutes of running"

"It is like that, if you are continually teleporting you will become tired, and then you might even pass out"


"Now the Nether magic is different, instead of teleporting through space, you are teleporting through time. Do you remember in The First Great War when Ingressus Voltaris went through that portal to 150 years into the future? Well he was just using A form of the Nether magic"

"And I still don't know now this relates to Vulcannus"

Virdencen sighed "he somehow managed to fall into the void; that nearly killed him, but I managed to save him before the void absorbed him. But he still had an Endercurse, it caused him to become extremely weak. When he went to warn your parents he had too much extra energy; and he had recently been in a fight, so he was too weak to contain all the extra energy"

"And it killed them"

"Yes, he wanted to protect you so much, but he could not"

"Does that mean Vulcannus can teleport?"

"Well... Uh... No, his infection was only temporary. But it has made him more susceptible to Ender injuries"

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