Part 1: Chapter 25

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 Vulcannus stalked through the forest. To angry to notice the peaceful night, the moonlight flitting through the dense canopy, and the gleam of the moon reflecting off a polished blade.

Vulcannus growled as he tripped over a fallen log. He stood up and kicked the log; the log was surprisingly hard and hurt his foot. Vulcannus shouted in pain and frustration

"Looks like someone isn't in very good mood" snickered A voice from the shadows

Vulcannus spun around and looked around, while drawing his sword "show yourself"

"Did Abbi dump you?"

"Who are you?"


"I am not going go play your games, either you come out or I..."

"You'll kill me?"

"I might"

"I don't think so" A Netharin stepped out of the shadows, his axe leaning on one shoulder "would you be willing to kill your own brother?"


Pythus twirled his axe "live and in person"

"But... You are dead!"

"Happy to see me, brother?"

"But... Ingressus... He killed you!"

"I may have died, but soon you'll be no better"

Pythus charged Vulcannus, and their weapons met with a loud clang. Pythus kicked Vulcannus' knee, causing Vulcannus to stumble back.

"Yes, you will die. You really are not match for me. I proved that many times when we were kids." hissed Pythus

Vulcannus snareled and cut at his brother's side, only to be kicked in the face. He growled and wiped some blood off his lip while ducking Pythus' axe

You really think you can beat me don't you?" taunted Pythus

"I am still figuring that out" snared Vulcannus

They continued fighting for a while longer till Pythus managed to scrape Vulcannus' leg with his axe.

Vulcannus growled as Pythus snickered

"I really thought you'd be better then this" taunted Pythus "you need to learn to be more ruthless"

"I don't want to" hissed Vulcannus

"But you never want to do anything that's good for you"

"At least I did not kill my father because he was trying to protect us"

"Which is why you'll never amount to anything"

Vulcannus growled

"You seem to like growling, do you think you're A dragon?"

Pythus lowered his axe "come at me"

Vulcannus charge Pythus, who knocked his feet out from under him; Pythus kicked his side then swung his axe down at his brothers unprotected back. Vulcannus rolled to the side, just barely missing the axe

Vulcannus scrambled to his feet and began running away. He ran through the trees until his sword caught in a tangle of branches. He struggled to get it free, but gave up as Pythus neared. Vulcannus dropped his sword and began running again. Adventually the forest started to thin, and soon they were running through flat fields.

Pythus tackled Vulcannus, and they rolled around on the ground for a few minutes trying to get on top. Pythus punched Vulcannus; stunning him, and briefly giving Pythus the advantage. Pythus twirled his axe and struck down and cut A deep gash in his brother's arm, earning him an agonizing scream. Vulcannus stumbled to his feet again clutching his arm, and began running again

"Yes run!" Shouted Pythus "It's all you know how to do!"

Pythus chuckled darkly and resumed chasing Vulcannus. The chase lasted only A minute longer, when Vulcannus reached a deep raven

"It's kind of funny, you acclaime to be A master swordsman, but you lose yours to a tree" snickered Pythus

Vulcannus growled and stepped back. Pythus walked forwards causing Vulcannus to deep back even more; soon Vulcannus could not step back anymore without falling into the raven

"Well brother" hissed Pythus "this is it, you have no place left to run, no people to bail you out. Do you have any last words?"

"Why?" Asked Vulcannus

"Because you are weak, and I can't have weak subjects. Now, unless you have anything more to say"

"Just do it"

Pythus swung his axe aiming for his brother's chest, he hit. Vulcannus collapsed, as everything began going black. Pythus looked down at his wounded brother and laughed

"Well brother, mother always told is I'd end up being the stronger; I guess she was right" whispered Pythus

Vulcannus coughed and muttered something unintelligible before falling limp. Pythus grinned and pushed Vulcannus into the raven

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