Part 1: Chapter 23

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The Shadow Reaper and Anon stood overlooking the fifty-ish Clanless Ardoni that sat chained in a deep pit

"Is this all of the Clanless?" Hissed The Shadow Reaper

Anon shrugged "there weren't that many Voltaris, so the number of Clanless is bound to be small"

"I had been hoping for more; but nevertheless, watching the deaths of the last of the cursed Voltaris clan will be entertain"


"Go bring me the one they call Senn, I want him to watch his clan suffer for his mistake"

Anon nodded and left the room, returning not a minute longer dragging an infuriated Senn

"Let me go!" Shouted Senn "you cannot do this"

The Shadow Reaper snickered "but I can, this will serve as a warning to all the other clans; if anyone dares to deny me they will be slaughtered"

"You can't, I won't let you!"

"Try all you want, but I am not to be refused. Anon give the order to kill them all"

Anon nodded and signaled to a nearby Nestoris, who began charging his Aggressium song. Senn looked away as the Nestoris fired his song, not even bothering to see who it hit. The Shadow Reaper laughed at the paniced cries that erupted from the Clanless

"Stop!" Cried Senn "please, you can just kill me but leave the rest be"

"And where would be the fun in that?" Hissed The Shadow Reaper "you should be punished for even trying to resist me"

"They're innocent! How can you just allow this to happen?!"

"The Voltaris have always been destined for destruction, I'm just making them get what they deserve"


"Yes, and after they die, I will kill you"

"I cannot let you!"

"But you have no choice in the matter"

Senn growled and lunged at The Shadow Reaper but was restrained by Anon

"Now, now; we can't have you trying to harm your master. Anyways, your freinds are all dead now. You failed to protect yourself, your clan, and your land" taunted Anon

Senn looked over and saw all the clanless, dead. Their once bright white marks had faded into black.

Anon roughly threw Senn to the ground and held him there. The Shadow Reaper cracked his whip, then struck down towards Senn. A blue transparent shield blocked the whip just before it hit


The early morning sun glinted off Sparks' egg, as she and Abbigal sat in a small clearing in the middle of Underwood forest. The egg glowed bright purple and was under careful scrutiny by Decon and Will. Vulcannus, Virdencen, and Skorch stood off to one side talking quietly

Abbigal walked to Luna and pulled out a dragon egg that glowed a faint purple "hey Vulcannus"

Vulcannus looked up from his conversion with Virdencen "yes Queen Abbigal?"

"Do you remember that time you helped me hatching the dragon eggs?"

"Yes, I nearly died fourteen times"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that; I didn't realize that the baby dragons wouldn't like you. Anyways, remember that egg you kept from falling into the void?"

"Yes, it was one of the better parts of that week"

"Well we noticed that it started glowing after that, but it went dark again. One of my Endermen told me it begins glowing anytime you enter the End"


"I believe it has bonded to you, so I was wondering if you would want to take care of it?"

"Not a chance"

Abbigal pushed the egg into Vulcannus' hands "please"

Skorch to the egg from Vulcannus and laid it next to Sparks' egg. Sparks egg exploded in a violent vortex of Ender energy. When to energy settled, A baby Enderdragon about the size of Sparks' forearm yawned and crawled to Sparks

Skorch growled and ran to where he had left Vulcannus' egg. It was cracked in half, and poking it of the two halfs was the tiniest Enderdragon, about the size of Sparks hand. The little dragon opened its bright orange eyes and walked towards Vulcannus, who was busy arguing with Abbigal

The dragon nudged Vulcannus' foot, no response; it growled as loud as it could, not very loud; finally the dragon bit Vulcannus' foot. Vulcannus shouted in surprise and picked up the dragon and dumped it on Abbigal's head

Sparks cradled her dragon as it looked around curiously. Once it saw Virdencen it growled and jumped onto her, trying to bite her

"Rendor!" Shouted Sparks "get off Virdy!"

Sparks pulled here dragon, Rendor off Virdencen scolding him as she went

"Centurn! Are you alright?" Asked Vulcannus

"Yes" replied Virdencen

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, how is your dragon?"

"My dragon?"

"The tiny one"

"I am not keeping it"

"But it likes you"

As it to prove Virdencens point the little dragon crawled onto Vulcannus' shoulder. Vulcannus snarled at the dragon, and it shrank back a little. Vulcannus grabbed the dragon and thrust it into Virdencen's hands

"You keep it" growled Vulcannus

"Are you that much of a coward?" Taunted Virdencen


"Yes, you are too scared to take care of a dragon"

"That is not cowardice, that is common sense"

"Same difference"

The little dragon half flew back to Vulcannus, and purred as it settled on his head

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