Part 1: Charpter 20

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"So Vulcannus" began Sparks, attempting in every way to look mad, it was not working. A half smiled spread across her lips

"Yes Miss Sparks" said Vulcannus was he glanced up from the book in his hands

"I promised if you were still able to walk when you returned, I would pretend I actually like"

"So what?"

Sparks stood awkwardly for a few seconds "I don't know what to do"

"Start with sitting down, then we can talk, like we used to"

Sparks sat down cross leg across room Vulcannus " am I supposed to do this? I hate you, why am I trying to be nice to you?"

"Good to know. But are you sure about that?"


"Or is it you are too scared admit you miss me?"

"Miss you?! Never! Wha...why do you think that?"

"You do still cry yourself to sleep at night"

"What?! No do you know that?"

"I do care about you, and did everything within my power to keep you safe; even it you were doing everything in your power to get me in trouble"

"So you were the reason I rarely ran into any Netharin"

"Miss Sparks, I know you probably will never forgive me for killing your parents; but...I have take to Centurn, and she has agreed to help me..if you would like, she can show you what really happened to your parents"


"Uh..well Centurn can use a subset of the Ender/Nether magic to create a rift in the boundaries of this dimension, and then teleport us to a different sub then dimension in which the time flow has yet to reveal your parents fate. And then we simply just watch till we need to"

"Huh? Vulcannus, you said many things, and I undestood not two of them"

"We can essentially teleport to a new sub dimension an..."

"What's a sub dimension?"

" can...Well when I speak of a sub dimension, I am just using non-lame terminology to state traveling through time"

"Time travel?!"



"You know I'm not so sure about this anymore" began Sparks, as she and Virdencen stood facing each other

"Just join hands" assured Virdencen "otherwise I might lose you in another sub dimension"

Sparks reluctantly grabbed the hands of Virdencen. An orange mist covered them; once the mist cleared, Sparks saw they were standing on a snowy mountain; and a cave that has clearly been made into a home was right in front of them

"Follow me" whispered Virdencen

Virdencen guided them behind a boulder. A Voltaris walked towards the cave dragging a limp glowing figure, who Sparks recognised as Vulcannus

"Kyna" called the Voltaris

A pink haired Felina walked out of the cave "yes Calas?"

"I found this Netharin lying near an old Nether portal, he was half conscious and was mumbling something about warning someone about an approaching danger; can you find out what ails him?"

"Just bring him inside"

Calas dragged Vulcannus into the cave and laid him near the entrance. The pink haired Felina knelt beside him and started mixing something in a bowl of water; then she poured it in Vulcannus' mouth. Vulcannus coughed and sat up weakly. A small white haired child waddled up to him and began putting his fingers into her mouth

"Is that me?" Asked Sparks

"Yes" replied Virdencen "now ssh"

Kyna gently pried the young Sparks away from Vulcannus "come now Zeira, it's bed time"

"I am looking for a Calas Voltaris" coughed Vulcannus "do you know where I might find him?"

"I am he" said Calas

Vulcannus grabbed Calas' shoulders "you need to get out of here, The Nether is..."

Vulcannus coughed weakly and clutched has chest. A binding light followed by a massive explosion caused Sparks to jump back in surprise. Once the light dissipated, she could see the cave has been completely destroyed. Vulcannus lay half conscious on the ground

A Virdencen ran towards Vulcannus and knelt beside him. She created a small ball of orange energy, and laid it on his chest

Vulcannus sat up abruptly "wha... What happened?"

"Peace child, you are in no shape to be worrying over anything" soothed the second Virdencen

"Di... Did I... Kill them?"

"Now lay down, if you move around too much the Endercurse might spread to your heart"

"I killed them" muttered Vulcannus as he stood up and frantically began searching the wreckage for anyone

He lifted up a chared blanket, lying under it was a very scared Sparks. Vulcannus picked up the Sparks and held her gently

"I am sorry... I am sorry... I did not mean it..."

Vulcannus' voice trailed off as he collapsed

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