Part 1: Chapter 26

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"Does anyone want dessert?" Asked Decon

"Yes" answered Will "as long it wasn't made by you"

"Hey, what's wrong with my cooking?"

"It could kill a cow!"

"It's not that bad"

"You're right, it's allot worse"

Decon grinned mischievously and walked out of the room "good thing I didn't make it then"

Decon returned carrying a half eaten cake "and it appears Virdy is better at everything than me"

"It is called following a recipe" snickered Virdencen "and not adding pickles to everything"

Decon raised his hands in defense "hey I like pickles"

"So that's why everything tastes salty" muttered Sparks

"So do you guys want any, or shall I finish eating It all?"

"I'll take some"

"Good, Virdy will you actually sit today?"

Virdencen glanced at the couches scattered around the room with worry "probably not"

"And why not?" Questioned Will "are you scared?"

"Absolutely terrified"

Will snickered "like you could be scared of anything"

"Believe it or not, even I have fears I have yet to conquer. And chief among them is my fear of soft things"

"You got to be joking"

"I am not"

Decon slowly pushed Virdencen to the nearest couch

"Sit" he ordered

Virdencen tentatively sat down on the couch, before jumping up almost immediately with a panicked cry

"The couch... It... It... It... Tried to eat me!" Cried Virdencen

A few snickers erupted around the room

"No you silly" laughed Decon "the couch isn't trying to eat you"

Virdencen smiled sheepishly "I will just stand, or sit on the floor"

"If you must"

"So has anyone soon Vulcannus?" Questioned Abbigal

"No, anyways he's probably just moping" grumbled Will

"I don't think so, he has been gone for three days"


"We should look for him"

"Why? He's just going to be grumpy till you decide to stop hounding him about the dragon"

"We still have to look for him"

"You can I'm not"

"Come on Vird"

Abbigal began walking out of the room closely followed by Virdencen. They walked outside towards the nearby forest

"Do you think Vulcannus it's here?" Asked Abbigal

"He might have come here to think" purred Virdencen

"Should I be looking for anything in particular?"

"Anything unusual"

They continued deeper into the forest for a few minutes till Abbigal shouted

"Vird! I found something" cried Abbigal

"What?" Asked Virdencen

Abbigal brushed her hand on the ground; the grass in the aria had been trampled, and a glowing orange substance littered the ground

"What is this?" Whispered Abbigal as she pointed to the orange substance

"Netharin blood" answered Virdence

They began following the trail of orange. They walked in silence for a minute longer; when Virdencen stopped and looked at a tree. A black sword was caught in the branches

"The Nether blade" whispered Virdencen "I wonder..."

"What?" Asked Abbigal

"Why is the Nether blade in a tree?"

Virdencen tugged at the sword, but it would not come free. Virdencen sighed and unsheathed her silver sword and cut the Nether blade free

"That sword is taller than me!" Exclaimed Abbigal

Virdencen shrugged then continued walking on, out of the forest into vast grass plains till they saw a mass of Netharin blood

"That's a lot of blood" whimpered Abbigal

"Yes, but not enough to kill a Netharin" assured Virdencen


"But I do not like this"

"What do you mean?"

"Vulcannus is a powerful warrior, why would he be bleeding?"

"Maybe he was fighting another Netharin"

"Then why is his sword in a tree?"

Abbigal pondered Virdencens query for a few moments "I don't know"

"What if he was attacked? And beat?"


"He has many enemies"

They walked on in silence for a few more minutes till they reached a large raven

"The Tabora Crags" sighed Abbigal happily

"You know this place?" Questioned Virdencen

"I grew up near here"

"That is nice... I guess... Uh... Abbi you might want to see this"


Abbigal gasped. Netharin blood soaked the ground in large quantities

"Is... Is that enough to kill a Netharin?" Asked Abbigal shakeily


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