Chapter 3: Black Widow

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Some time after the intense battle at Y/N's XP farm he now finds himself in a jungle of rocks, pillars, and monsters. Making a spear for protection he cautiously moves through these hungry monster filled caverns. Knowing if he's seen just once means an instant fight he keeps to the shadows, trying to find an entrance that will lead him up to the upper levels Y/N stays as close to the ceiling as possible. Climbing high up he looks down below at the bustling ecosystem underground. Looking at the straight out of another world sight Y/N is left mesmerized for a bit. 

Y/N: You know, if I wasn't a delicious snack that they would all mercilessly tear apart and eat I would enjoy this more. However since I am I have no hesitation to stabbing and sending them all off to the races!

Looking around on top of the large rock his on, giving off a smile Y/N nods and touches the ground with his hand. 

This should work as my fall back point. I'll be able to see anything crazy coming from far a mile away, monsters will have a tough time getting up, and the best part I can shout profanities at them and I won't be able to hear back! Ok seriously though, this is the perfect place for me to evolve when I finally get to that point. After with the farm it's probably best if I don't hunker down TO hard and not add that many big extensions.

Sitting down, Y/N puts the swear to his side and stretches. Taking a breather after the long walk to get here Y/N thinks about what to do next.

Y/N: Ok...Step 1: Survive...obviously. Step 2: Evolve at least once so I'm not dinner for all monsters AND humans when I leave. Step 3: Go up on the higher levels and try to find the exits/entrances. Step 4: I really don't know about this one. The overworld is still mostly a big mystery and I won't know which continent I'll pop out of until I do. The most I can think of is try to find a way to communicate with humans. I won't need their help once I get strong but I rather them at least remain neutral to me than be a pain in the ass for the rest of my 500ish dragon life. Plus being a former human myself killing others would put a unnecessary bad taste in my mouth I would rather not deal with. 

Well before I get way ahead of myself I should focus on 2 for now. I'm not the far future planning type but when your in a ludicrous situation like mine you have to adapt!

Finished stretching and settling down, Y/N looks up at nothing unparticular. Calling out and asking a question, he calls to the guiding voice that has admittedly helped him greatly until now.

Y/N: Hey L.H.V. I know I'm not ready yet but can I check my evolutions in advance?

{Cannot provide th-}

Stopping mid sentence by something Y/N is caught off guard by the mostly automated voice cutting away. As if consulting with something she goes off for 30 seconds before abruptly coming back.

{Permission granted. You'll have 4 evolutionary paths, do you wish to see them in advance?}

Y/N: 4 Paths?! You weren't kidding on the "High Evolutionary Potential" part!

But what was up with that gap? I know she has some freedoms from how sassy she first was but she doesn't just PAUSE. I was reincarnated so was she talking with some higher up like a god? Mmmmh whatever, if it is at least they are nice enough to allow this so they can't be to bad...right?

Y/N: Alright, flash me the goods!

{Understood. [Kid dragon]-It's a Baby's Dragon natural evolution. While it's still in the process of growing, it's physical ability has improved significantly. [Marble Dragon]-A dragon whose skin has mutated into a pattern that resembles water droplets. It has higher magic power than other breeds. [Petit Dragon.]-It's about the same size as small breeds, but unlike the fast growing Little Dragons, It's fully grown form is often very powerful. A downside is it doesn't have many evolutionary options. [Petit Angel Dragon]-Great at using healing magic, they often work together with humans due to their overall friendliness. It's combat capability isn't particularly high.} 

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