Chapter 16: An Unbearable Tightness

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A green bustling forest going about its usual routine with deers eating the grass and birds in the trees, a beast strolls through. Large thumping sounds ringing out from the other side of the forest could be heard every few seconds with every thud causing a flock of birds to fly away. Walking through the forest scaring all the animals away and breaking the trees, the dragon Ryuka had trouble navigating through the narrow spaces in this tight forest. Carrying a whole camping setup underneath his wings, the extra weight and bulge didn't help. Breaking past some trees and getting to a large clearing, he saw all the land before him. Vast green as far as he could see, the wind and clouds slowly brushed past him occasionally shading him from the sun. A sweet taste in the air, this world was pure beauty and freedom from the confines of Elroe. Looking off into the distance squinting, Y/N sees their destination. A human city built at the base of a large river, huge passenger and commercial ships were carrying supplies and people up and down it. Though a port it was in no way small with huge stone walls on all sides and dozens of well built houses for normal people to sleep in. Matching the description, Y/N unwraps his wings and the supplies he was carrying. The outside light shining in on her, Y/N's passenger let's out an annoyed groan trying to cover herself with a blanket.

Oka lady, we've made it.

Using telepathy to invade and speak inside her mind whether she wanted to hear it or not, the elf Oka let's out a loud yawn before sitting up. The grumpy morning effect on her, Oka rubs her eyes and does a few stretches to wake herself up. Fully awake now, Oka let's out one long satisfied sigh.

Oka: Aaah...that was delightful, I haven't slept like that in ages... "Your back and smooth scales are actually really comfy to sleep on big guy! It felt like I was a kid again floating on clouds..." 

Mentioning the nice comfortable feeling when sleeping on his back, Y/N wondered again if he really was that good to ride and sleep on. Sliding down his long back and tail to get on the ground, the elf jogs over and leans forward with a hand above her eyes as shade. Squinting and spotting the port, Oka spins around with a reassured smile on her face.

Oka: "Thanks for bringing us here big guy, at this rate we'll be at the elf village in a jiffy! You won't be alone, a bunch of other reincarnations just like you are waiting there right now! I know you've been through so many hardships but don't worry, you don't have to fight anymore, they'll keep you safe..." 

Slowly walking over and rubbing his big scaly leg, Oka looked up at him with an empathetic as if to ask if he understood that. Giving off a kind and caring aura, Y/N turned his head away. Owing her for freeing him from Elroe and having someone actually treat him like the kid he was, that gesture at least in some manner made him happy. At the beginning when he came to this world and Oka treated him like this, Y/N would have definitely lashed out but after being down there for so long, it filled a small part of him that was missing. Not wanting to make any bad impression or say the wrong thing, Y/N takes a few moments to carefully choose his words.

Thank you...miss...

Oka: "Think nothing of it! You may not be one of my students but you were just a kid suddenly brought here like them. I'll do everything in my power to help you, you have my word. I'll go down to the city and get some supplies for us like food we'll need to get to the village."

...Alright, I'll wait here than.

Remembering the procedure she taught him of staying put and waiting for her when she's away, Oka smiles and nods at the dragon. Leaning forward with one hand on her hip and one finger pointing straight up, an even bigger silly smile appears on her face.

Oka: "If your a good boy and sit tight I may even return with a tasty desert or treat~!"

Quickly skimpering off after promising she'll bring something back for him, Oka get's right to the edge of his line of sight and turns back smiling, waving her hand high in the air. Putting it down and putting on her white hood, Oka goes past the brush of trees and Y/N sits alone. Witnessing Oka's display, he was free to think without someone listening.

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