Chapter 1: So I'm a Dragon, Wait What?

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Drifting without a body in a familiar unending and expansive of darkness Y/N just allows the current to take me. Knowing not to fear it deep down in his subconscious he relaxes and tries to find peace of mind. Suddenly a violent and powerful force pulls on him and get's whisked away. Going up, down, doing loops it's as if he was stuck on a invisible roller-coaster. Starting to feel sick even without a body, he feels a throw up sensation where his mouth would be. Just about when he could feel something come out the powerful force out of nowhere disappears and he's sent flying through the void. After a second he slams into and enters something like a basketball in a hoop. Closing in on him whatever he hit locked him within it's interior. Time starts to get intelligible where a second can be a minute all the way up to weeks. Trapped there all he can do is curl up and take a long, calm sleep. After awhile a terrible headache rocks his mind and weird sensation all over his body he slowly gains his conciesness. The moment he's able to freely think Y/N tries stretching out like he usually does but is stopped by some smooth surface.

What the-

Trying to see what it is his eyes won't open now matter how hard he tries as if they were glued shut. Freaking out he can't open his eyes he starts moving around more and more noticing an elastic, fleshy sensation all over. Trying to call out no noise emits from his throat. Grabbing his neck he starts to breathe hard and feels low on breathe. Slapping himself in the face he calms himself down and starts to analyze his situation.

It feels like I'm in jelly but where the hell am I? The last thing I remember was flying around and waking up in that plain. After that a giant flash of light outside the window and intense pain all over. Wait, did some people inject me with something while I was still half awake?!

Moving his hands to his face in the strange substance he feels around and finds no blindfold.

Ok so not a kidnapping, then what is going on? I think I'm in some kind of capsule. Did something happen and I was brought to some foreign hospital? Well that's a major pain. I don't think I checked the flight destination either. It's all because of those stupid parents and sister of mine I'm in this situation to begin with! If they just went and died like everyone else sooner... Fine, Whatever I'll Just Bust Out Of This Thing Like A Soda Can!! I'm getting out of here whether the doctors want it or not! Sorry, not sorry if I brake your precious machine!

Kicking and punching at his surroundings Y/N attacks the smooth and scaly interior. Focusing on one spot close to the top he feels a little ray of light hit his closed eyelids. With renewed determination and the conformation it's working he starts to hit harder and the cracks spread further. Turning upside down in the substance he pushes against the wall with his arms and kicks the spot with both legs. Exploding all at once the case bursts open and Y/N gets pulled along with the flow of liquid. Sliding against the rocky floor he comes to a stop and before he can think of anything large amount amount of light assaults his eyes causing pain.

Y/N: Ga-ga...

Coughing up a yellow liquid onto the floor Y/N slumps to his side and covers his eyes with his hands. After a minute the initial pain lessens and he holds his neck feeling air coming in and out. Slowing down his throat get's used to the incoming air and the rush stops. Opening his eyes Y/N sees a gaping, huge hole with a caves interior right above him. Going wide he turns his head and sees a cracked egg with pieces all around him.

Y/N: I...

Further beyond Y/N sees a cliff that goes down to a seemingly bottomless hole.

Y/N: I...

Picking himself up he falls flat on his face. As if his legs gotten shorter he couldn't lift his upper body to stand. Inspecting himself there's a weird long sensation close to his butt. Hesitant to look he slowly turns to see a orange tail covered in tough scales. Now noticing by looking at the tail his vision is at the same time wider but with a gap right down the middle. Claw like nails at the edge of his fingertips with a straight spine that didn't allow for advance flexibility. After denying it multiple times and rechecking more times than could count there was no denying it, he now took a form close to that of a Bearded Dragon Lizard.

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