Chapter 1: Attraction

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"Life is finite and fragile. Just because someone is there one day, they might not be the next." - R. Queen

He opens his eyes for the tenth time since he felt the heat of the sun against his bare chest. The coolness of rain making him shiver ever so slightly. It is exactly what it sounds like in the trailer, there's an odd rush of air in from time to time mimicking his mood that seemed a never-ending nightmare. It had been almost a year since he chose Addison. Yet for some reason, Meredith was consuming his mind. Running his fingers in his wife's long, thick, red hair that was too conditioned and reeked of pineapple, he kissed her forehead and she nodded quietly before pushing further into his chest. The sound of their pagers made them pull away from each other and put on their clothes. He dons jeans and throws on a sweater before sticking a toothbrush in his mouth.

Heading into the hospital, he carries his briefcase and stops as he sees her walking across the hospital. Her dirty blonde hair is tied in a low ponytail, glistening in the sunlight. His chest contracts and his fingers tingle, the presence of his ring fading into oblivion. His feet freeze as she unintentionally walks to him, holding 10 different binders and scribbling something harshly. She crashes into him on accident and her paperwork falls.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." She moans in pain as she holds her forehead, rubbing a small bruise.
"That's alright. Looks like you were busy." He laughs nervously and hands her the papers.
"Yeah, sorry. I have a case on lionitis today and-" she gets cut off.
"Lionitis?!" He exclaims as she hands him the chart.
His eyes run over the words, analyzing every letter of her neat cursive. He gets to the bottom of the page and sees his name in thick, royal-blue ink. He was the surgeon, his must be why he was paged into the hospital so early on a Saturday.
"That's amazing Mered- Dr. Grey." He says smiling.
"Yeah. Thank you." She nods as he hands her the folder back. Their hearts are burning for each other, desperate for more than just casual speech. His hand falls on hers before he pulls away frantically. Whether or not they want each other- and they do, two undeniable facts stood out; he was married and he was her boss. The two problems had been his biggest burden from the beginning of his life which had started ever since he met Meredith. There was a feeling of liveliness around her, he couldn't breathe or eat properly when he was away from her and it was difficult to think because the air was too thick. He realizes that they've been staring at each other for a while and smiles gently. Kneeling, he picks up a paper and looks up from her legs. The scent of her skin fills his lungs and he holds his breath as she holds her hand out. He takes it and lets her pull him up. Their chests press and he can smell her minty breath. The hospital is empty at this hour and the morning sun outlines her face.

"Thanks." She says taking the paper and stepping back.
His hand slips out of hers as she smiles and walks away as nothing happened. All he wants is to pull her back and kiss her. It's all he has wanted since he chose Addison. He has an obligation to Addison because she is his wife. The hours pass by slowly in the hospital, loud and crowded at every second because kids and people are walking around. Even in the OR, nothing is quiet or silent. The silence that he feels with Meredith is the one he has but not the silence he craves. Before he knows it, he is signing an insurance paper. Looking up in hopes to see Meredith, he sees the man he despises. The black jacket he has stepped on before is being unzipped and the pen falls from his fingers. Walking out of the room, he watches as Meredith smiles and lets Mark drape the jacket over her shoulders. She laughs and raises her eyebrows like he just said something very perverted, which, to be completely truthful he probably did. Derek isn't in control anymore and his body has a mind of its own, pushing Derek's feelings forward, harnessing the pure rage into physical power over Mark. He walks to him and throws his fist.
"What the hell was that?" Meredith yells.
"That was Mark." He seethes as he rubs his red fist.
Meredith takes off the black, leather jacket and holds her hand out to help Mark up while Derek stares. Derek moves to punch him again but Meredith steps in front of Mark. She stares deadly at Derek, making his hand drop back to his side. Addie locks eyes with Meredith as Derek glares at a minimally conscious Mark braced on the counter. He watches in unexplainable pain or anger or denial... as she takes a hand over her shoulders and wraps an arm around his torso, carefully leading him to a trauma room.

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