Chapter 18: Take Two

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Mark's Hotel Room

"Good Morning Meredith." He says as he walks in.
Light streams from the windows and he carries a plate with toast, eggs, and a hash brown for her.
"Morning?" She asks as she sits up against the headboard.
"You fell asleep in the car. I asked if it was okay to bring you here and you said it was okay." He says as he hands her the plate.

"Thank you. I'm not really a breakfast person." She says as he sits beside her and stabs the hash brown with his fork.
"You are today. Please." He says, as she lets him feed her.

"My God, what time is it?" She yawns.
"It's 5 in the morning. I'll drop you off at your house after breakfast so you can get to the hospital." She finishes the hash brown.
"I'm definitely not finishing this." She laughs and places a fork full of scrambled eggs in his mouth.

"This is delicious, Mark. If you weren't a surgeon, you could be a chef." She nods as she gets up and eats half of the eggs.
"I'm glad you like it." He nods as he finishes the eggs.
He stands up and hands her a piece of toast before heading into the kitchen of the suite.
"This is a hotel. Are they allowed to have a kitchen in it?" She laughs, hugging him from behind.
"Just the penthouse suite. The others have to order from the kitchen below." He chuckles as he washes the plate and places it with the others.

"I made your bed." She smiles as he turns.
"You didn't have to do that." He shakes his head and she pulls away unbearably slowly.
"I was trying to find my things." She mumbles in his chest.
"They are by the door. Are you ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah. Let's head out." She nods, using the hair tie on her wrist to pull back her hair into a neat ponytail.
He holds her hand and leads her out of the suite after grabbing her things.

They drive in peaceful silence to her house and both get out of the car. As he walks her up to her door.
"Sorry for falling asleep last night." She sighs.
"Technically, it was early morning. And it is fine. Working at the hospital can wear you out." He nods.
"Yeah. She laughs nervously and he smiles.

He leans down and breathes deeply. Their hot breaths warm the other's cheeks making them both grin. Her eyes lock with his deep grey ones and he takes comfort in her deep emerald irises.
"I would kiss you... but your friends are watching and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I'll see you later." He whispers.

"They like to watch my live life. It's their free drama." She smiles against his lips, not touching them.
"It must be dramatic or they might just be thinking about how beautiful you are." He murmurs.

She blushes and looks at her feet to escape the feeling of ínstense heat that burns through her face. He smiles at her reaction and his eyes flick to the large window where he sees 4 sets of eyes.
"They're still watching." He laughs.
"Yeah, they do that." She sighs.

"They're ruining my plans. The kiss was supposed to be my way of apologizing. I can't even do that." He shakes his head exasperatedly, making her laugh.
"Maybe we could do this again and then you can say sorry." She suggests, holding his hands loosely.
"Great idea. I'll call you soon." He smiles before stepping back and waving to the window. The curtains shut and the eyes disappear.

"Okay." She nods, grabbing his collar and leaning up.
His cheeks turn red as she kisses his cheek and pulls away slowly. Blushing, he walks away and gets in his car as he smiles wide. She watches as he drives away and laughs before turning around and walking into the house.

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