Chapter 15: Future

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3 weeks later

It had been 3 weeks. 21 days, working overtime all the time and the baby was due at any moment. The child that would change their lives. Until then, she had agreed to just 'do' with him and he; with her. 21 days and not a single one of them off from work. People at the hospital thought they were going absolutely mental working shift after shift, healing patient after patient. They were unstoppable. She had learned so much from him, so much that she didn't even need him beside her to clip an aneurysm anymore. But he would be there. He would watch her fingers move with scalpels and clamps, maneuvering through the blood vessels and nerves fast and precisely. It was a magical sight, one that she felt watching him. 3 weeks with bliss and heartbreak, tangling them deeper in a web of confusion. They would be connected every day; sexually. Some days twice or thrice they would pleasure each other. Over and over they ran the loop of being, of 'doing' not thinking as she had said. The words echoed loud in his head and she could silence them with a touch. It wasn't the same place every time. It had been the supply closet the first time. Then the on-call rooms with the cheap mattress. They would use the lab, checking it out for hours at a time just to "practice" and "improve" or his car, her car, any empty room in the hospital. It was complete and absolute torture.

"Meredith." He whispers gently into her hair. She nuzzles into his chest and mumbles incoherently. His lips curve upwards and he smiles wide. The feeling of her skin against his is electrifying until he loses breath all over again.

"It's been a few hours. We've got to go." He says as he strokes her waist with his fingers, running them down to her ear and back. "Someone could see us."

"What time is it?" She asks quietly rubbing his chest between his pecs. He takes a deep breath as her voice fills his ears, a sweet sound that he craves to hear more often.

"Uhm... five twenty." He grumbles as his fingers enmesh with her golden tresses. "I have surgery at six and we need showers."

"We could take a shower." She nods as his chest rises and falls slowly. "Together." He finishes as they rip apart from one another, greatly appreciative of the hour they had spent together.

She pulls on her clothes and he puts on his scrubs before looking in the mirror and fixing his hair. His gaze drifts behind him and sees her attempting to lock the hooks on her bra. His feet carry himself to her and his hands clip the hooks easily as she pulls on her sky blue scrub top. Turning, she wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him grip her waist.

"No thinking." She whispers.
"Just doing." He smiles gently into her hair.
"I love you." She sighs into his chest.
"I love you too." His body is calm now and the constant battle in his mind is at rest again, clearing from the rubble of her love.

He leans down and she stands on the tips of her toes as their lips brush. Before they can actually kiss, his phone rings. Sighing, she sinks back into his chest as he pulls out his phone. Addison's. name flashes on the screen and he closes his eyes to hope the ringing goes away. It doesn't and she buries her face deeper.
"Just answer it." She sighs.

He hits the green button and holds it to his ear.
"It's the baby. Derek, are you at the hospital?" She moans in pain as he stands upright, nudging Meredith away from him.
"Yeah, I am. I'll meet you in the ER." He says urgently, hearing the sound of an ambulance through the phone.

Meredith backs away and sinks into the bottom bunk of a bed, feeling guilty and angry. She would always be his second priority. It would always be Addison before her. He claimed to love her more than anyone but she was losing faith rapidly. She brings her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around her legs before resting her head in the middle of her own scrunched body. He is talking to his wife through the phone, discussing important information like if she is feeling well, if she had eaten. She shakes her head and covers her mouth before wiping her face. He hangs up the phone and hurries out of the room, leaving her in the corner.

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