Chapter 13: Mending

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He holds her fingers tightly, rubbing them with his palm. Their eyes flick to the bed and its pure white sheets that are just waiting to have bodies entangled within them. The rose petals, so particularly placed to make a heart. He hadn't planned this; the heart, what she was wearing, what he was wearing, but still he wanted so badly to be with her. He needed to show her how much he had missed her. Her calfs hit the mattress and he takes her delicate body in his arms, laying her down on the center of the bed. She doesn't attempt to get up and his knees land beside her thighs. Their heavy puffs of air warm the room and there is a slight scent of lavenders from the unlit candles on the nightstand. His hands press down next to her shoulders and he hovers over her, his heart pounding against his ribs while he swallows nervously. The second that their lips brush, she gasps. He pulls away immediately, sensing her hesitancy.

"I have to...." She starts, getting up.
"Yeah me too." He nods.
"You should go to sleep- because of... the uhm- the jet lag." She breathes while walking to the door.
"Yes. Do you want dinner? It's supposed to be delicious here." He asks as he pulls his bags to one side of the room.
"Yeah... no but yeah. But no."
"You don't know?" He asks.
"I do. But I can't."
"You want the food but you don't want to talk to me?" He asks.
"Exactly! I mean- no." She blushes.
"It's okay. We can talk later. Let's go to the lounge and I'll get a steak for both of us. You can take yours to go." He smiles.
She nods indistinguishably and he chuckles.
They head down the stairs and he orders her a steak to go with potatoes and gravy.

"So... are you happy?" He asks as they wait.
"Uhm... kind of." She mumbles, stirring the ice in her drink.
"Oh." He sighs and takes a deep sip of the scotch.
"How about you? You did a clinical trial and I read about it." She says as she slurps through her straw.
"Yeah, yeah. I did a clinical trial and it was successful. It just needs to be picked up by a medical journal. The FDA approves." He nods, unenthusiastically.
"The skin grafts look amazing. Maybe you can show me sometime?" She asks hopefully.
"Yes! Yeah. I would love to." His back straightens and she smiles.
"Next week maybe?" She asks.
"Of course. Make sure you are healed fully." He says.
"I'm basically done healing. Just the stitches have to close." She sighs, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Do you need help... changing dressings?" He asks.
"No. I'm fine. I can handle it." She smiles politely and drinks her water carefully as not to get too cold.
"Here is your food." The waiter puts a plate of steak in front of Mark and a paper bag in front of Meredith.
"Thank you." Mark nods handing the man his credit card.
"You should get going and sleep early." He nods.
"Yeah. I should." She smiles before turning around.

He sighs and watches her walks away before turning to his food. Suddenly it looks less appetizing and the colors aren't as bright. The waiter comes back with his card before handing it to him.
"Have a nice night sir." He nods.
"You too." Mark smiles, placing a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. It is warm but it doesn't taste as delicious.
"I changed my mind." Meredith's voice enters his ears and he turns to look at her. She is smiling wide and he stares.
"Wha-" He starts. She walks back to him and sits on a barstool.
"I will eat with you." She claims nonchalantly before holding his arm and resting her head on his shoulder.
"You will?" He asks.
"Hmhmm." She nods.

He smiles and pulls the plate in front of them. Gently, he lets the spoon collect mashed potatoes and bringing them to her mouth, he watches as she eats them.
"I can't finish this on my own." He says, taking a large bite.
"We can do it together." She murmurs.
He watched as she lifts herself straight and grabs a sharp knife. Her cuts on the streak are clean and neat making him chuckle. She feeds it to him before taking a bite herself.
"Oh my-" She gets cut off by he groans in pleasure.
"That is wonderful." He mumbles taking another bite and another, feeding Meredith every few seconds. Within minutes, the plate is empty and they are laughing at everything.

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