Chapter 12: Home

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"Home is not just a psychical address, it's an emotion, a state of mind, a feeling, a person."

2 weeks later

She had always assumed that Derek was a monster. Ever since he had lied about Addison, he had been the despicable leviathan in her life. She had known he wanted to redress his mistakes but she hadn't given him the chance to. After all, what were the odds that he would hurt her again? There was no guarantee that he would prove anything to her. But for some reason, it didn't seem like that anymore. She wanted to give him another chance. Mark hadn't slipped her mind either but he hadn't called in 2 months since he had left and she had called. He had probably given up on her. Was he still angry with her? She shook awake to find Derek's hands clutching hers. His head rested by her side and he was snoring soundly. She glances at the clock and chuckles before using her other hand to wipe the drool from his lips. He groans softly and she watches his eyes open.

"Hey. I'm sorry." He yawns and she pulls her hand away from his face, wanting to control her impulses.
"That's alright." She laughs while he wipes his eyes.
"I was looking over your chart for these past weeks and I have a few thoughts about why you keep going back into a coma." He pulls her file on the bed and she sighs heavily.
"Derek, I really appreciate it but you've explained this all to me yesterday and you are supposed to be resting still. You can't walk yet and the gash on your forehead is only getting worse." She protests as he hands her the brain films.
"I can't rest Mer. Not till I find out what's happening to you."

Before she can say anything, he pulls out a neon expo marker.
"Every time you slip into a coma, a certain part of the brain shuts down and it's always different. I think your body is trying to heal itself slowly." He says in relief.
"Then why isn't it working?" She asks softly.
"I- I don't know. That's what I want to find out. It could be a million things." He says pulling out more scans.
"Derek..?" She asks softly as he rants.
"Derek." She clears her throat.
He turns to her and smiles before gripping both of her cheeks.
"Meredith, please. I cannot sleep at night because of this." He smiles wide and she sighs, staring at the deep blue oceans in his eyes.

She nods puts her hands on his wrists. Her gaze shifts to his lips and he blinks. His steady breath has vanished and it seems like he had run far due to the panting. Her eyes meet his again and he lets himself stare at her bare lips. He leans in and they open their mouths, shutting their eyes. Her lips tingle as his land on them gently, like a cloud. Before they can move any further, she backs away, her eyes opening wide. His lips are still forming a half kiss and his eyes open slowly, his eyelids lifting to reveal the ocean blue of his eyes. His mouth stills but his chest expands.

"You weren't thinking of him this time.... were you?" He asks while stroking her cheek.
"No... I was not." She says shakily, feeling the hair on his forearms.

She swallows with each word and he leans forward again. His lips are faster against hers, the cloud moving faster into her endless skies. His fingers move into her hair and gently lay her down on the hospital bed. Hers move to clutch his torso as he pants for breath. Laying over her, their lips separate but rub against the other's skin. The evil man is gone and what's left is the man she wanted him to be. He was gentle as his hands undid the strap of her gown then the strap of her bra. She holds his head and kisses his ears carefully, eliciting moans from him. He was doubtful as his tongue ran over her collarbone, cooling it then warming it with his heavy breaths and careful kisses. Was she thinking of Mark again?

"Derek..." She gasps as his teeth dig into her neck.
"We should stop." He shakes his head and brings her head back up before taking a sharp breath. Her lips are red and she stares at him, looking for the liar that he was. Past the guilty expression on his face, she sees the reality.

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