Chapter 8: Promises

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"There are two types of people who can't look you in the eye. Someone trying to hide a lie... or someone trying to hide love."

Sunlight trickles through the windows in the living room and her eyes open slowly. She smiles at the sound of his heart beating steadily against his chest. The fire is barely alive anymore and the puppy is curled up in a ball on the couch.
"Good Morning..." He whispers as he feels her fingers run down the center of his chest. She mumbles simply and he chuckles before kissing her head and flexing his jaw.
"We need to talk about something that I've been holding back." He sighs, glancing at his phone. She sits up and he pulls her into his arms before kissing her neck.
"I have to go back to New York." He speaks heavily and filled with guilt as she sighs.

"I knew this was gonna come up somehow. It's okay. You can go back to New York." She nods as he wraps his arms around her stomach and pecks her head.
"I have to leave tonight." He groans as his phone buzzes.
"That's too fast." She turns in his arms and rubs his stubble.
"I can come back next month as soon as I finish work." He smiles gently before leaning in and meeting her lips.
"I understand." Her answer is short and forced but he knows she means well because she starts to kiss him.
"I have a busy day today, a big surgery and you have to pack so I should probably go and take a shower." She sighs, pulling away from his grip.

"Meredith, come on. Please, stay here for a while." He asks holding her hand as she stands over him.
"Like I said... busy day and you have to pack." She sighs and pulls her hand away before walking to the front door and sliding on her slippers. He follows her down the concrete steps and watches her open the mailbox before closing it.
"All my things fit into one suitcase. It'll take me less than an hour to pack." He protests as they move back inside. She leaves her slippers by the door and heads up the stairs before walking into the bathroom.

"Well I need a shower and I have a big surgery." She grips the hem of her shirt and pulls it over her easily before tossing it in the hamper. He steps behind her and she looks at him through the mirror. Smiling gently, he kisses her cheek.
"You won't even know I'm gone. I'll be working night and day just to come back here. I love you, you know that... right?" He asks before kissing her temple.
"I love you too." She mumbles before giggling and taking off her golden necklace.

"Do you want my latest idea of a gift?" He asks, running his hands down her sides.
"I would." She shivers

He leaves soft kisses down her spine, his teeth unclasping her bra and pulling it off her chest. Her head tilts back with pleasure before hitting his shoulder as he stands up straight. His hands reach around her tiny body and his teeth graze her ear. He stares in the mirror and she blushes, pushing a strand of her golden hair behind her ear. He chuckles and leans into her ear.
"I've never seen you this nervous." He jokes as he rubs her shoulders and kisses them.

"I've never- no one has... you know?" She stammers.
"What? How? Why?" He asks, surprised as her hair slips from behind her ear. She turns into his chest and giggles before he lets her panties drop. She looks up at him and shrugs simply.
"Okay. Well, I want your first time to be special." He smiles.
"You are special, you know that right?" She asks.
"Yeah, I mean. I want to take my time, go slow." He whispers huskily in her ear while edging off his boxer briefs.

"That sounds so good." She moans while biting her lip.
"Ugh, at this moment; I hate your job. Here's the plan: We have amazing shower sex, eat breakfast, and then I'll 'go slow' when I get back from New York." He asks.
"Okay." She smiles and kisses his nose gently.

He chuckles land turns on the shower before picking her up. She giggles as he steps into the shower and pulls her in. With him, she feels free; as though he can change her mood on command. The water trickles down their bodies as they kiss and he feels aroused easily. His arms move around her waist and she grips his hair tightly. Pulling him against her, his erection pokes her thighs.
"Am I allowed to" He gets cut off as she nods and tightens her grip around his neck.

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